Well, it didn't really matter anyways since Sarah still ate whatever was in the bag.

Sarah then saw the slap marks on my cheeks, and I told her how I got them before she asked.

When I mentioned Mindy's name, Sarah was ready to murder her. I told her not to do anything, but she was stubborn. Eventually, I got her to listen to me, and now we're in the bathroom with her applying concealer so it wouldn't show as much.

"Next time she even thinks about hurting you, I'll kill her," Sarah threatened. "I'll hit her with a pan, drag her onto the road, run her over, hang her by the tree of my backyard and—"

"Okay!" I cut her off. "I don't want to know what you'll do next."

Sarah can be very scary sometimes.

"Seriously though. If she gives you any more trouble, just give me a call," she ordered.

"And I know she will. You told me about their arranged marriage, and Ace asking you out. You're in for one hell of a ride."

"Gee, thanks."



Sarah accompanied me back home, and the moment we walked in, she was already rushing to my room, and messing up my closet.

"Because he didn't tell you where you guys were going," Sarah stated, eyeing a shirt before throwing it away.

"You'll have to wear something comfy but made it look like you actually tried."

I laughed, but she just gave me a serious look.

After trying out at least seven or more outfits, we both decided on a simple look. She had found dark, ripped skinny jeans that I had no idea I owned, a loose white shirt, with a gray cardigan.

I looked in the mirror as Sarah stood beside me with a wide smile, accomplished with her work.


"Thanks for helping me out," I said.

I don't think I could be ready if Sarah wasn't here with me. To be honest, I was nervous. It's weird because I've known Ace for my whole life, but this was different.

We're no longer just best friends.

"Alright!" Sarah exclaimed, breaking me out of my train of thoughts. "We still have a few hours to spare, so let's watch a movie to kill time."

Sarah flipped through the movies on Netflix while I was in the kitchen baking cookings for her as a thank you for helping me out.

Sarah told me that there was nothing to worry about because I was going to be with Ace, and well, we both know that he wouldn't let a fly hurt me. She said that I shouldn't even be nervous because Ace and I were already dating before he officially asked me out.

I blushed at that. How did I not realize that people thought we were dating before he even asked me out? And when did he develop feelings for me? Surely I would've noticed.

Or maybe not because I'm pretty clueless when romance is actually happening in my life, and not in the books I read.

When the cookies were finished, I put them all on a plate, and grabbed a glass of milk before going to the living room. Sarah's head snapped towards me, and her eyes sparkled when she saw what I was placing on the table.

"Oh my God, I love you," she said, already devouring them.

I laughed, and just as I sobered up, the bell rang. Sarah and I looked at the door, knowing that it was Ace waiting for me.

"Alright kiddo, show time," she said, getting up from the couch, and dragging me to the door. She let me slip into my white converse, before she gave me one last check to see that everything was okay.

"Ace is gonna fall in love with you even more," she smiled, making me blush.

Sarah wished me good luck as she walked back to the couch, finally picking a movie.

I looked at the door, my heart racing as I gripped the handle, and opened the door.

••• - ••• - •••

Where do you think Ace will take her for their date?

Tomorrow is the last day before Christmas holidays! And guess what that means? I might update more!

Teachers are still giving us homework over the holidays, so I'll finish that and then I'll be able to write.

Teachers are still giving us homework over the holidays, so I'll finish that and then I'll be able to write

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