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Sonics prov

I'm at home eating a chilli dog. When I heard the door bell. Quickly finished eating my chilli dog then ran over to the door, opened it. Aww!! It's my faker!

"Hiya shads! Please come in." I said moving aside. Shadow nodded

"Hi." He walked in.

I closed the door behind shadow.
"So what's up? "

"Uh... Nothing really but we need to talk." His ruby red eyes stared at me.

I'm not sure why but I feel nervous. "Yeah sure."

"I don't think it's a good idea for us to be together so... I'm breaking up with you.." He said looking away

I didn't know what to do or say. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? What did I do to him to just break up with me in one day!? WHAT DID I DO!!! I tried to hold my tears.

"What did I do wrong..." I asked calmly

"You didn't do anything wrong Sonic.. I was talking to Rouge and-"

I cute him off "Rouge? I see how it is..." I quickly opened my front door. "Leave."

"See how what is? Listen to me. This doesn't really have anything to do with her.. Let me explain please."

"No you can go and explain your bull shit to Rouge!"

"No! She saw us at the beach, she told Amy that I lied to her and Amy's been trying so hard not to be obsessive over you so that you would like her. I feel bad that... All her hard work and here I am crushing it! So it's not Rouge! ... I not sure why I feel guilty for that pink brat but I do. So go make her happy. Cause all I do is fuck stuff up...." He said sadly

"Shadow that's nice of you to be nice to Amy for once but for this? HELL no. I love you! Not her! She just has to move on like someone els. " I said angry

"When you were with her for a month, when I was gone. You liked being around her didn't you? "

I thought about it. I did like it... I was actually starting to like her a little.

"Yes I enjoyed my time with her."

"Then go be with her. Not me. I'm pretty sure if I was still with rouge sooner or later you would have been dating Amy." He said walking to out the house.

"T-True but Shadow I want to be with you. You make me more happier then Amy.. " I grabbed his hand.

He looked back at me smiling a little. "Please at least try it out with her. If you really don't like it... Then I would feel much better being with you again. " He said gently taking his hand away from my hand. He then took out his chaos emerald and yelled chaos control. He chaos controlled away.

I'm confused to why he feels bad for Amy.. But now I really hate Rouge. I wish she hadn't talked to Shadow! I don't want Amy I want Shadow. If it makes him feel better then fine I will try and be with Amy. Once I know I don't like it I will be back in shadows arms! PFFFT I know I won't like this at all. This will be a easy hopefully.


Yes it's short .3. Sorry


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