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(Due to our lovely main character being injured they'll wait till she's healed, as if they'll have her still when that happens, in reality I don't think they actually cared about their health so I might add her dealing with murphy)

??? Pov

I watched as the mustang tried his hardest to avoid the human from touching him making me nicker in amusement, as if he heard me the mustang kicked the human in the flank leaving a dust print of his hoof, I shake my head trying not to show my growing amusement. I watched as some humans tied his leg to the post, Murphy approached the mustang with a metal object shaped like his hoof and started attaching it to his hoof when the mustang raised his back leg making other humans watching shout in warning, Murphy looked up only to be met with a hoof to the faces causing him to tumble back with a dark bruise on his eye, the man grumbled getting up and walking back to his stand glaring at the mustang while he looked smug at Murphy. The man started approaching the mustang with a rod that was red at the front and emitting smoke, drawing my ears back I nicker pawing at the ground in worry making the mustang glance at me in worry before he started thrashing around as the rod got closer to his left shoulder before it grazed his coat he got free of the muzzle and ropes smirking down at murphy before headbutting him unconscious, I neighed in laughter as the humans scrambled to get the mustang secured and get the unconscious man away him.

Spirit's Pov

Hearing laughter I look at the mare I was brought in with seeing her laughing at what happened, I smirk before glaring at the human with the hat "put the mustang in the corral with the mare, tomorrow we break him" a human looked at the man and said "what about the mare sir?" the hat man looked at the other human "once she is healed then we'll break her, until then keep her in the corral" the other human and nodded before him and a couple of other humans dragged me into the pen with the mare before untying me. Looking around I slowly walk around in the pen before going towards the mare and nudged her slightly, my ears went back as she flinched slightly "how's you're leg?" she looked at me before turning back to looking at the gate "stings but I'll be fine" looking down at her leg the cloth around her cut was stained red "doesn't look fine to me" she snorted glaring at me and walking away to the other side of the pen, shaking my head I followed her ignoring the humans and other horses watching us "you can't ignore me forever" she picked up her pace "I sure can if I wanted to" raising a brow I strut up beside her nudging her side with mine making her look at me, I smirked at her "you sure about that?"   

??? Pov

Glaring at him I trot away smacking him in the face with my tail as the sun started to set "whatever you say mustang" shaking his head from the hit he strides towards me putting his head close to mine narrowing his eyes looking at me "that's not my name" rolling my eyes I move my head closer smirking as his eyes widen "well you didn't tell me? now did you" striding away from him I look back "mustang" before going near a post as the sun disappeared over the wall, hearing him snort and approach me "my names spirit, now you know mine so I can know yours" shaking my head I paw at the dirt before looking spirit in the eyes "well 'Spirit'" I circle him "I don't need to tell you mine" he glares at me as I walk away before he trots in front of me, blocking me from moving "it's only fair you tell me yours's since I told you mine" looking away from him I backup and trot around him "no I don't" Spirit rumbles before cantering in front of me blocking me again "yes you do" drawing my ears back I go around him picking up my pace "no I don't Spirit!" I hear him snort before galloping in front of me and neighs at me in anger "just tell me your name! why do you have to make it so difficult!" feeling anger build up in my chest I neigh back louder as I stomp my hoof "I DON'T HAVE A NAME!!" he steps back in shock, ears drawn back in slight fear. 

I glare at him harshly "you happy now!?!" I stomp away to the other side of the pen and paw at the dirt in frustration, my ears were practically pressed against my head as I heard him approaching slowly, I didn't bother looking at him even when he nudged my side slightly, he tried nudging me a little harder and continued to nudge me ignoring my rumble "look I'm sorry for pressing you about you're name" his ears went back slightly when I turned to glare at him before looking back down at the ground "but I want to ask" I glance at him waiting "why don't you have a name?" I snort softly lifting my head to look up at the stars "when I was born, my mother looked horrified because of how I looked" I shook my head from the memories "she had a beautiful brown coat along with my father, they didn't want me so they and the herd abandoned me...." Spirit looked at me in horror at what my parents have done "when I was left to die a kind mare had found me starving and unable to walk days later, however she left but she came back with a human" grounding my hoof into the ground I continue ignoring the look Spirit gave me "the human was different from these ones" he tilted his head to the side in confusion "he was a different colour from the humans here, his mane was black with a streak of white like a skunk which I found interesting seeing how I look as if we were almost the same. He was small, as if he was a foal as well,

 The human carried me to a village, I think is what they called it and helped the older mare care for me until I was able to walk" I smile at the thought of the mare who helped me so long ago "I was happy there when suddenly it wasn't safe for me anymore" Spirit looked at me intensely urging me to continue "humans like the one's here stormed the camp, killing the people and stealing their horses, the mare told me to run and never turn back. So I did" looking around the fort watching horses sleep peacefully along with the humans "I ran up to a hill bits away when I looked back, the village was on fire and the mare who basically became my mother was fighting against a human when I heard a bang and watched as she fell" tears pilled up in the corner of my eyes feeling Spirit nudge me in comfort "she didn't get back up, the humans left and I looked to see if the small human survived but I didn't see him due to smoke and flames, so I never saw him or that camp again" turning my head I look Spirit in the eyes "ever since then I just wandered the wild alone until I saw you" I nudged him slightly before turning to look back at the stars "I knew I didn't want you to suffer the same fate of others, but here we are, because of me" I felt him move closer and nip at my ear, I looked at him annoyed before I saw the look on his face and the anger in his eyes. 

I lowered my head at the look but Spirit put his head underneath my chin raising my head up and looked into my eyes fiercely "what happened wasn't your fault" I tried to argue but backed down seeing the look he gave me "If it was do you really think I would talking to you right now?" he questioned, trying to think of an answer I got nothing "that's what I thought" huffing I shove him lightly before lowering my head to rest, my nose twitched in irritation when I felt him nudge me "you can't sleep standing, it's not good for your injury" opening my eyes I glare at Spirit before I looked away from him "I can sleep standing, I'll be fine" hearing him huff he nudges me harder "I won't stop till you lie down" ignoring him I try to sleep but grew irritated over time as Spirit continued to nudge me "fine! I'll lie down" turning around I slowly lowered myself onto the ground curling my legs in, I look up at and glare at his smug face "happy?" he smirks lowering his head close to mine "very" I watch as he moves to stand behind me in confusion "what are you doing?" he looks at me as if it's obvious "sleeping behind you?" I shake my head "why are sleeping behind me?" Spirit lowers his head, resting it near my neck "to protect you from them" rolling my eyes I didn't bother to argue as exhaustion crept closer, slowly closing my eyes I move my head closer to his "goodnight Spirit" I feel him nudge my head slightly hearing him say "goodnight" faintly before sleep caught up to me   

The dark mareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin