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Keisha walked to the big oak tree by the student parking lot like she did every afternoon. She immediately locked eyes with Austin.

"Hey beautiful. I missed you so much." Austin pulled Keisha into a tight embrace making her giggle. "I missed you too. We need to talk."

"Damn, I've already fucked up. What did I do?" Keisha chuckled as she pulled Austin away so they could be alone from the crowd. "No. It's not like that, my dad wants to meet you."

"Wow. Is he mean?"

"I would describe him as being overprotective. Just remember what I tell you and you'll be okay." Keisha and Austin kissed causing Roxy to whistle and cheer.

The doorbell went off as Keisha's heart dropped. This was the moment she had been waiting for. The doorbell went off again, as she watched her dad walk past her.

"No! I got it. Go back in the kitchen and finish helping mom." Keisha waited until Kenny disappeared before opening the door.

"Treating me like a Jehovah Witness huh, I see how we do now. This is for you." Austin handed Keisha a single red rose. She stepped aside allowing him to enter with a bouquet of roses.

"For my mom?"

"Of course. I couldn't come empty handed. I don't want your dad thinking I'm an insensitive asshole." Keisha and Austin locked lips one more time before walking into the kitchen.

"Mom, dad. Austin is here."

"Nice to see you again, Mrs. Edmonds these are for you." Toni took the roses but before she could speak Kenny spoke. "Nice to see you again? When did y'all meet the first time?" Kenny stared a hole into Austin waiting for an answer.

"Dinner is ready!" Everyone hurried out of the kitchen leaving Kenny standing there alone.

"Nice save mom. Austin I told you not to mention that." Keisha mumbled. "I'm sorry. I forgot you told me so much and I got stuff mixed up." Austin mumbled back.

Kenny finally came into the dining room. He was silent and said nothing as he fixed his plate. Toni, Keisha and Austin watched him in horror as he acted like they weren't there.

"Don't be watching me boy." Austin looked down. "Baby be nice." Toni warned Kenny. "I'm always nice, I just don't like people watching me."

"Daddy we were all watching you, it wasn't just Austin."

"Keisha. Please don't. I'm calm and in a good headspace. Please don't make me turn this shit out." Kenny smiled at Toni who was looking very worried.

"So....Auburn how long have you and my daughter been dating?" Kenny asked nicely. "Austin. My name is Austin, like the city in Texas." Kenny nodded.

"Well sir. We've been dating for just a couple of months. Keisha and I kind of disagree on the dates." Austin chuckled as he looked at Keisha.

"Oh really. Why is that?" Toni asked.

"Well Keisha counts the day I asked her to be my girlfriend and I count the time we first....this lasagna is delicious Mrs. Edmonds." Keisha slid down in her chair as her dad looked at her.

"What are your plans after college?"

"Well I plan on getting an athletic scholarship and going pro. Just like my dad. School isn't really my thing but that's how I'm going to get to my passion." Austin raved.

"Who's your dad?" Kenny asked. "Who wants dessert?!" Toni jumped up and asked loudly.

Austin's phone began to ring and he excused himself. He soon came back in and began apologizing.

"I'm so sorry but I have to get home. I had a lovely time eating and meeting you." Austin told Toni while looking around for Kenny. "He has an important business call and don't worry he likes you." Toni insisted making him smile.

"I'll walk you out." Keisha said as she closed the front door leaving Toni in the foyer.

Toni went to her bedroom and sat beside Kenny on his closet floor.

"She's really growing up." Kenny said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

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