Chapter 1 (Girl Narrator's POV)

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   Their names are Grey and Nash. But lets start from the beginning.

   Grey Blake, grew up in a small town where everybody knows everybody. She was also a farm girl, so she really loves living the simple life.

   Nash Grier, is from North Carolina. He's apart of a big family. 2 brothers, and a younger half-sister. He wants a big happy family with 3 kids.

   Grey was never really the typical teen. She never really became a fangirl, over anyone. That's until the MAGCON family came into existence. They were just fun loving people, who just seemed so sincere. She especially had her eyes on Nash Grier. The first thing to catch her eyes, were his eyes. His blue eyes looked so unreal. Moving south of his face, was that million dollar smile of his. It was just so beautiful. CORRECTION, he IS just so beautiful. That smile could just light up a room. So she needed to see him in person. MAGCON!!!! Yep, she's going.

   She's a farm girl a.k.a worker. She helped out neighbors and family and got money for it. So she saved up in no time. Next thing she knew she was on a plane from south Texas all the way to Los Angeles, California. Her parents were proud that she saved up herself, so they paid for the flight, and surprised her by booking the hotel room at the same hotel as the boys and Mahogany. Of course she was totally stoked.

   She was about to meet the whole MAGCON family. Plus Hayes Grier, was a special guest, and Skylynn Floyd (Nash's younger half sister) was able to go on tour with the boys and Mahogany. She also had VIP access for all 3 days! These were about to be the best 3 days of her life.

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