Chapter 2: Help from a stranger

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Ace was being treated by Chopper, but he wasn't paying anything he was saying. He only worried about his little brother. I had been a month, and he still hadn't woken up yet. After treating Luffy's injuries as much as he could, he sadly pronounced, while shaking and crying, that he was in a coma, most likely due to the fact that he thought Ace was dead. Ace had been in shock, it was all his fault. Everyone was crying, mourning for their comatose childish captain.

One day, the sunny was quietly sailing along, when Usopp saw something in the water in front of them, it was cloudy, purplish, and the edges looked like they were on fire. Purple Fire. Whatever this thing is, it did not bode well with the sniper.

"OOOOIIIIIIIIII NAMMMMIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!" He called out, scanning the Sunny, looking for her. He heard a large BANG and lots of angry shouting, and sure enough, Nami was standing in front of her map/work room, with crocodile eyes and large tick marks all over her head. "UDESAINA USOPP! I'M TRYING TO GET SOME WORK DONE!!!"He shook a little, not wanting to get another bump on the head. "Oh um, well, I saw this really large strange purple thing in our course of direction." Huh? Why didn't you say so! Where is it!" she demanded, all of her sudden anger and bloodlust gone.

Usopp pointed in the direction of the purple thing, only to see it growing bigger. Nami studied the strange thing hovering over the sea. " It doesn't look dangerous." She said, her long orange hair flowing in the gentle breeze. The Sunny slowly sailed through the purple mist-like thing, only the come out onto another small body of water. Nami and Usopp looked around, to sea the clear blue sky above them, trees, and a large white box-shaped building with a large window. In this window had tall men with lab coats, glasses, and clipboards. They started whispering to each other, before a small portion of the glass slid up, revealing a door. A man with a lab coat walked out, followed by a man with black spiked slicked back hair. The doctor spoke first. "Ano... excuse me, but who are you? Where did you come from?" Nami studied the two carefully, "The doctor guy doesn't seem to pose any threat, but the man might.He looks quite strong" she thought to herself. " My name is Nami, this is Usopp, " she pointed at Usopp, " We are pirates, looking for the One Piece. We come from the Grand Line, in the New World." The men looked confused. " Your pirates? The New World? One Piece? Grandline? We have never heard of such places.You are currently in Japan. Let me ask you this, are any of you injured? Do any of you intend any harm to us ?" Nami stared at the men. "We won't attack you, unless... " she glared at them, " you try to hurt us or our captain."

The man who was asking questions shivered, while the other lifted an eyebrow. "And to answer your other question, yes, some of us are injured. Our Captain has the worst injuries." "Well I you don't mind, may we see the damage? If you promise no harm, I will come alone, just to see the damage." Nami thought for a moment, then ordered Usopp to lower a ladder for the man. Usopp did as he was told, and the man climbed up. "My name is Dr. Yanada." he briefly said introducing himself.

Nami then led him to the infirmary, where Luffy, Ace, Robin, Franky and Chopper were. Robin had burned her hands when she tried to grab Akainu to help Luffy, but he had grabbed her arm and burned it. When Dr. Yanada walked in, he could not believe his eyes.

There was a tall man that was at least 7 feet tall, holding a screwdriver to his face,  with very large metallic round shoulders, a oversized hawaiian-like shirt and a bathing suit bottom. A pervert.There was a  woman with long silky black hair, rebandaging what looked like her severely burn hand. Next to her, with an orange hat covering his face, was a shirtless man with lots of bandages wrapped around his torso, sitting at the edge of a bed with a small black spiky haired boy with what looked like a hastily made breathing mask, bandages covering his entire body, and a straw hat next to his head. The boy was definitely the worst looking one of the bunch. Dr. Yanada slowly approached the poor boy, only to see the shirtless man grab his wrist, bloodlust in his eyes.
"Ace. Let him go. He's a doctor. He's just going to see Luffy's condition." the man named Ace slowly let go of the Dr. Yanada hand. He noticed that his coat was slightly burnt. The man slowly and carefully lifted the light cotton blanket, only to have his eyes widen in shock. The poor boys chest was lightly smoking, and he could faintly see a giant X on his chest, and another large X on his right side, also lightly smoking. He stepped back and walked out of the infirmary. "Ms. Nami, may I ask the other man you saw to come up? I promise that he will not hurt anyone." "Sure I guess. But if we sense any ill intentions, we will attack."Dr. Yanada shivered slightly leaned over to yell to he man, "Mr. Karasuma! Come up here! You need to see this!" Karasuma raised and eyebrow, then quickly scaled up the ladder and came running towards Dr. Yanada. When he walked into the infirmary, the only thing on his mind was, " How did this happen?"

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