'Pack dynamic'

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Alpha - This is a less common classification, Alpha's have an instinctual need to protect, they are an aggressive protector, which means when a submissive is hurt mated or not, the alpha first call is to attack the person doing the sub harm. Alpha are always dominant. They can release hormones into the air the can be smelt by anyone with a dominant or submissive subclass - although sub may not be aware of this, they will unconsciously relax, the stronger the hormone the more dominate the alpha. Alpha's also have the ability to sent out submissive and classification of a person, as they two have hormones that are released into the air, to trigger an alpha to protect them. Alpha's take part in the classification process because of this talent- in fact, they are the test. Alpha's live in "packs" named after the wolf based classification, there is only one Alpha in a pack, the number of Beta vary the highest recorded was in Merlin's time when there was six in one pack, and one omega. Alpha can also have a dominant voice that can calm a panicked Omega or a submissive class, the voice works better on the omega in the Alpha's pack but can control all unbonded and untrained omegas. Alpha's are in their legal right to attack aggressively anyone who hurt their bonded omega. When Alpha's instincts become uncontrolled they become more aggressive and over protective of the sub-class. They can only (if bonded) be calmed by their Omega mate, if unbonded, they can be calmed by any Omega.

Beta - Beta can be either dominant or a switch dominate - this only occurs in this class, and when a pack has more than one beta, it means a beta and sub to a more dominant beta or alpha. Beta also has an instinctual need to protect a submissive class, however they are more a defensive partner, they are more likely to keep a clear head when sub is hurt their instinct is to comforted them, like Alpha they have the weaker version of the sent, they can identify the sub or dom subclass of a person but not their actual classification. Beta's are in their legal right to attack aggressively anyone who hurt their bonded omega. Beta's provide the protection of the Omega to the pack, normally they help control the Alpha's overprotective instincts before they become feral and require an Omega to calm the Alpha. An mated Alpha feral state, especially if cause by a threat to the bonded submissive can cause the Beta to also become feral, but they can become feral in there own right. They can only (if bonded) be calmed by their Omega mate, if unbonded, they can be calmed by any Omega.

Omega - This is a submissive class. This class are highly protected by beta and Alpha. They have a need to be protected and loved, without this Omega mental health can suffer, they become reckless, with no one to control life-threatening behaviour. Submissives have the ability to detect dominates but do not have a sent, the reason for this is unknown. Omega are not weak, but their mental stability is based on being protected, Omegas can often be more magically powerful than Alpha and beta but are normal physically weaker. An unbonded Omega, unless trained otherwise has to obey an Alpha voice. And unbonded trained Omega has to obey any familiar (any alpha in the family) Alpha voice. No Omega once caught (hearing the Alpha voice)by an Alpha compulsion can disobey. Omega training is a form of classification cruelty, has it included forcing the omega under compulsion and shocking them out of it with physical violence. It also involves extreme emotional abuse in order to make the caring omega vulnerable, this forces the omega's survival instincts to kick in, which is a painful process, and no longer to an Alpha voice although it causes pain. An Omega however is the only class capable to clam a feral Alpha or beta, it works better on mates, but theoretically an omega can calm any unbonded Alpha or beta.

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