Moving to LA (Chapter 1)

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Ella's POV
Today is going to be one of the biggest days in my life, and I'm not exaggerating. Me and my two best friends are moving to LA, we have never been before so we are most likely going to get lost. Anyways we currently live in London, and have a YouTube channel of 900k subscribers.

Our flight to LA is early tomorrow morning at exactly 6:45am, I'm trying to pack all my stuff that I need, non of us have done a very good job, we left it to the last minute...BAD IDEA, we are all rushing around like headless chickens. All of a sudden I hear a huge yell from Courtney 'ELLA HAVE YOU SEEN MY-NEVER MIND I FOUND IT' My friends are idiots. I mean we all are but that's the best part about living together, we can be stupid and do the funniest things. Courtney is the funniest out of us, Lucy is the prettiest and I'm well just me.

I have finished packing the last things I need, so I grab my suitcase and put it by the door so I won't forget it tomorrow, knowing us three one of us will forget something I hope not though, I don't want to be rushing round at 6:45am tomorrow morning. 'Yo! Lucy, Courtney you guys done packing?' I yell. There's a 5 second silence and then they both walk in with there things. I grab my phone out the back pocket of my jeans and check the time it says in big white writing '8:01pm' Wow this day has gone by quick I say in my head. I haven't ate anything all day since i have been busy and I can't be bothered to cook so I ask Lucy and Courtney if they want to order a pizza 'should we order a pizza since there's no point cooking anything and I'm lazy and can't be bothered?' They both nod there heads and I walk into the kitchen to order, we usually get a cheese pizza, I know where boring, but there's nothing wrong with a cheese pizza every now and then. I finish ordering and I walk into the living room where Courtney and Lucy are giggling about something 'What's so funny?' I curiously ask 'Oh- cour-Courtney just tri-tripped over' Lucy says giggling, I start to giggle at the though of her tripping over, she's so clumsy. I decided to go get my laptop and watch YouTube while I wait for the pizza and Lucy and Courtney watch Netflix, I plug my headphones in the side of the laptop and type 'YouTube' into the google search bar. As soon as it loads I get a notification saying that Zoella posted a new video. I decided to watch it since me and Zoe are good friends.

After about 5 minutes Lucy gets up and leaves the room, I'm guessing the pizza is here so I take my headphones out and walk into the kitchen, I grab a plate out and get a few slices of pizza and walk back into the living room and sit back down 'What are you watching?' Courtney randomly asks me 'Oh I'm watching Zoe's new video' I reply 'Oh nice, I'm not going to lie and nervous to move to LA but I'm also excited'
'Same, like we aren't going to have any of our families there and we are going to have to make new friends' I say
'Well I mean it's not like we had any in the first place' Courtney says with a giggle
'Shut up' I say giggling and smiling


After a evening full of giggles, cry laughing and shoving pizza in our mouths I decide to go and sleep, I check the time and it says '10:00pm' I walk upstairs to my empty cold bedroom, I grab my grey joggers and a random white t-shirt I found lying around and I put them on. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and I walk into the bathroom and I brush my teeth I also go to the toilet and then walk to my room and get tucked up in bed, im so nervous for tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be fine, I have my two best friends with me and a new apartment in LA and a YouTube channel of 900k amazing subscribers. What more could a 17 year old girl want?

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