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Bringing the baby's home makes me more at peace knowing they are here, that were in there cribs sleeping. Both of them were close and what I find so cute is that Casey is holding Carters hand. They are going to be protecting each other no matter what. "Hey..." Oliver whispered as he wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder. "Look at them," I said as I never took my eyes off them.

"I can't believe they are a week old, just look at them they are so cute and just amazing..." I said as I touched Casey's cheek.

"Just like there mom," Oliver said as he smiled, I smiled back and he kissed my cheek. "Come on Kellin, let's go to bed," Oliver said as he pulls me away from the crib.

"No I want to see them sleep...they are so cute..." I said as I pulled away from Oliver.

Oliver chuckled. "Come on love, will see more of there faces tomorrow,"

I sighed as Oliver pulled me away from the crib. Oliver shut the door slowly and we walked to our room. Oliver went into the covers as I did the same thing and turned off the lights. "Thank you..." Oliver's says to me as I lay on his chest.

"For what?" I asked as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"For giving me two amazing little boys..." I smiled and looked at Oliver. "Your welcome..." I said as I kissed him in the lips. Oli kissed me back, but the kiss turned a little heated.

"H-hey calm down there..." I said as we both laughed. I was still in a little pain from giving birth to the twins, which meant no sexual things till next month or so...

Oliver and I talked a little bit, but ended up falling asleep.

~3 hours later~
The dogs bark making me wake up and groan, the dogs don't usually bark at this time...? I look at the clock to see it was 3 in the morning. What could they be bark at this time? Oliver heard them bark as well and woke up.

"What's going on?" Oli asks.

"I have no idea. Let me check on the twins," I say to Oliver. Oliver followed me out the room

"God I hope they didn't wake up the twins," I say. I walk to the twins room as Oliver walked down the stairs to see what the dogs were barking at. As I walked to the twins room, I can see the door was opened. Oliver closed it when we left, why would it be open....

I walk down stairs to check on the dogs. What has gotten into them? They are barking really loud, "hey," I whispered yelled at them. They were barking at the back door. "Alright, alright," I said to them. They just wanted to go outside I guess, I opened the door and they all run outside. Still barking. I sigh and walk outside to see whatever it is they are barking. I walk outside and see nothing outside, the dogs stop barking. I just roll my eyes. I walk back into the house until I heard Kellin scream.

"Oliver!" Kellin yells my name. I ran into the house and up the stairs. I run into the room almost bumping into the door. I see Kellin standing in shock. "Kellin!" I say I turn him around to see him. He was crying and scared.

I look in the crib to see the twins crying. "What happened?!" I asked Kellin. Kellin was shaking and crying. "Someone was in the room, t-they were about to take the twins away!" Kellin says. I look to see the balcony door was open. I look down to see a shadow was gone. "I'm calling the sheriff," I say to Kellin as he tried to stop the twins from crying.

"Ok...alright....ok then thank you," the sheriff says as he hangs up the phone. Lynn, Alan, Mike were here at the house. Kellin was holding Casey as he was sitting on the couch, I was holding Carter. We were in the living room trying to figure out what happened, and who would brake into the house? "Well I talked to your security and definitely someone broke into your security and shut it off, having the person get into the house that easily," the sheriff says. I sigh. Kellin sees me and gets worried.

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