"W-Wah... w-who's she?" Aiko and Ayumi asked stunned,

"N-No, I swear she's just my cat..." You say realizing how unbelievable that is

"What did you do to her?" Aiko looks horrified

"I swear I did nothing," You say but Aiko grabs you by the collar 

"What happened?" She says, extremely close to your face

"I heard about a nuclear catastrophe then hid in my bomb shelter and woke up in this place with her, and I..." She cuts you off by kissing you on the lips

She broke the kiss in a matter of seconds, but it felt like years to you. You were completely lost for words, so she spoke instead of you

"I guess we can make an agreement," She says, a creepy smile on her face

"W-What do you mean?" You ask confused

"If you join our group then we'll completely forget about this, if not we'll bring you back as our prisoner," Aiko says

This side of Aiko is kind of creepy because she seemed so pure, innocent, nice...

"Do I really have much of a choice?" you say trying to stand up, which you just realized you still haven't done

You barely stand up, apparently, Ayumi and Aiko notice this because they put your arms around their shoulders so you can walk easier

"Here, wear this" Aiko says to Miori, who seems to be looking at the girls with jealousy

Miori just nods and puts on the loose fitting shirt with a grey turtleneck with casual loose fitting jeans

After Miori gets dressed, she decides to stand up and act like a human

Time Skip

"Miori... love... Y/N" She says as she hugs you

As you walked towards there hideout you asked them about everything that happened since the doomsday, they told you that you're the last man on earth, they told you that their group consists of 5 people (who of which are all women) and they told you that it's been almost 3 weeks since the catastrophe, oh... and Miori finally learned your name...

You see Aiko's and Ayumi's jealousy flare up as Miori latches onto you,

"Miori give Y/N some personal space!" Aiko says pushing Miori away from you

"Aiko... jealous," Miori says with a sly smile on her face

Aiko just looks the opposite way, trying to ignore Miori

As you get closer to their 'hideout' you can see 2 slim figures in the distance... must be part of their group, wait... didn't they have 5 members? Where's the third girl?

"We have three other members in our group, you won't see one of them, she's on a secret mission right now, " She says this like its some sort of fake childish ninja club

"What's there names?" You ask

"Well... there's Hisako, and there's Kaori, and-" You cut her off

"Like Kaori Aki?" You ask stunned

"Yeah, exactly... you know her?" She asks 

"She used to be my teacher, you know like before the doomsday..." You tell her

It gets unusually quiet for the last couple minutes before you meet up with the other group mates

"AIKO! Why didn't you tell me you found a man?" A girl with bright blond hair yells

"You turned off your mic... dumbass," Aiko says that last part under her breath

"Oh yeah, I forgot..." She says, "I'm Hisako, whats yours?" She says redirecting her attention to you

"I'm Y/N," You say, maybe gazing at her body for a sec longer than you should have

"You're a cute one, maybe we can have a little fun later, yeah?" Hisako says, and then winks at you

"Hisako, stop scaring the poor man,"  A girl behind Hisako says,

You look at her for a second and already remember her, Kayori, your science teacher

"Y/N?" She asks in disbelief

"Yeah, funny meeting you hear," You say, slightly laughing

You notice her cheeks become red and she starts fumbling with her words

"Y/N-kun, I... I just... well I know that we were teacher and student in the old world... but... let's just say in a life or death scenario, I completely understand if you want to go out with me," She finishes her ramble of words

You don't really understand what she just said, but you think you caught the gist of what she said, which caused you to get a slight nosebleed

"Where's that hideout you were talking about again?" You asked, looking for some secret lever or something

"Oh, we just stopped for a quick break, our hideout is like 10 miles north of here!" Aiko says, with a grin on her face

"What!?" You yell

"Yep! And its time to get moving again... so let's go!" Aiko says as she starts to skip ahead dragging you behind her

'This is going to be  the worst' you think as you're slowly dragged towards their base...

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