Slippery Slithering Snakes

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*Mitsuki explains time travel*

" I have a son" Orochimaru exclaims surprised "I had sex" he said horrified."Why are you surprised about that" Kabuto asked "Are you gay, IS THAT WHY IM HERE" Kabuto exclaimed just as horrified.

*A long time of freaking out*

"OK so you're my future son, and in a good guy" Orochimaru said in disbelief

"Considering I know your secret code and may be almost as strong as you are" Mitsuki said as his voice trailed

"Now take me to the hidden leaf please" Mitsuki requested

"You impudent little-" before Mitsuke whips around and puts a stern grip on his shoulder as Kabuto falls to his knees

"Finish that statement" Mitsuki said with a smile. Both Orochimaru and Kabuto were surprised at his anger and strength.

* One trip later*

"Stop" the Konoha guards yelled as they saw Orochimaru and gang

"Why do you even pretend that you can stand up to any of us " Kabuto sighed and knocked them both out.

After walking around they see Himawari freaking out. Mitsuki sneaks up behind them and grabs Himawari and twists her around

"Is my little sunflower causing trouble " He screamed 

"MITSUKI" Himawari exclaimed happily

"Dad I want you to-" Mitsuki said as he turned to see no one

  Prepare for trouble (boruto)

and make it double (updates in 2 days)

  To protect the world from devastation (bordem without my story)

To unite all peoples within our nation (All the readers)

and no more of that I just rewatched Pokemon so I got that nostalgia btw first time in a while updating in a less than a day break 


I have a feeling this series is coming to an end in the next 10 to 15 chapters and have a question.I have 3 ideas for new stories and I will let you chose

1.A story about parenthood of the Boruto next generation (The act of raising children)

2.A story about the secret daughter of Kakashi

3. A general anime what if series

Boruto's trip to the pastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon