(His POV) holding the baby for the first time

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Jacks POV:
Y/N looked shattered, I left her to have her time with our son and after 15 minutes I could tell she was wanting to sleep.

"I think he wants his daddy" Y/N smiled gently, I got up off the large chair and removed my top as the nurse said that skin to skin contact with his parents will do him good and get us to bond better so I went over to Y/N and gently took Calvin from her arms. The feeling you get when you've waited 9 long months to have your baby in your arms is unexplainable, the love you feel for your child is beyond anything you've ever felt before.

"Hi Calvin, I'm your daddy" I said softly and his cry's soften out and slowly stopped and his eyes slowly fluttered closed and he eventually fell into a peaceful sleep, I walked around the hospital room bopping up and down rocking him gently to keep him asleep.

Soon after the nurse came into the room to tell us and help us move into our maternity suite. She walked over to me and smiled at my baby and she said through a smile " he seems so content with you, your doing such a good job," I said nothing to her and just smiled down at my beautiful baby boy, he has his mums beautiful eyes which I said to Y/N before he was born I hope he has your eyes, he has blond hair and a cute little button nose which is the mixture of mine and Y/N's. He was perfect.

"Y/N, babe, the nurse is here to move us to the maternity suite so you need to wake up, I promise it's not a long walk" I said stroking her head to wake her up. She groans not wanting to but she rolls into her back and sits up slowly, she's very uneasy on her feet but she grabbed my hand and I helped her up the corridor helping her to the suite, we were closely being followed behind by the nurse who was pushing Calvin in his cot.

Once we were settled in the new room I decided to leave the room and ring my mum and Y/N's parents and the boys and let them know everything is fine and Calvin is healthy and beautiful. My mum and Jeff are coming in the morning along with Y/N's parents, the boys and there girlfriends will be coming after them so this means today is all about my little family.

I walked back into the room and Calvin and Y/N were both sound asleep.

"My life really has changed for the better."

Jack Johnson Baby SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now