Chapter 1

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I woke up with a headach and a nauseos feeling in my stomach. Slowly, I rolled over, finding a blonde, more golden like sex God in my bed. At first sight, I stared at him, not knowing how we got here. Then a flash of a memory hit me. Izzy and I were at the Pandemonium club. She was leaving with this geeky kid, but I couldn't rememer his name. It was something like Samual, Sander, Sean? I couldn't get my hands on it. I remembered there was this blonde guy asking me to join him for a drink. The last thing I remember was crashing through the door, making out with a hot, but complete stranger.

I leaned closer to him, to get a better look. His face was turned to the side, so I had to bend all over him. I could see his defined cheekbones and his lips. But those were enough to know who my "mystery man" was. For a moment, I was breatheless. I gasped and backed up to the edge of the bed. I was still moving backwards, causing me to fall of the bed. I let out a scream. He seemed confused.

"What the fuck?!" he exclaimed. "Shit!" was the only thing that I got out of my mouth. He his head popped over the edge of the bed and his eyes widened at the sight of me on the floor. "Clary?" he asked in disbelief. I stood up and paced the room. "Jace Herondale. I slept with Jace fucking Herondale." I muttered to no one in general. "Hey, I can hear you and I'm not a bad person or something!" he said in defense. I turned to him again, "Oh please, shut up." I looked down at his body. "And please, put some fucking clothes on!" I turned around again. "Damn, the torch has got an attitude. Hot!" he said and he winked flirty. I let out a scream of frustration, not wanting to deal with him or any of this right now. I was tired and got a headache. "Whoa," he put his hands up in surrender, "why don't we talk about this with some coffee? You know, calm down a bit."

I pushed the tips of my fingers into my closed eyes and laughed sarcastically. "Well, I'm fucked anyway." I said, giving in. I let my hands drop and suddenly I was very aware of what I was wearing. Which was nothing, but only a loose top and a pair of lace underwear. Jace had probably noticed it too, because swear I saw him smirking from the corner of my eyes. "Like what you see, Herondale?" I said as I was walking towards the kitchen. I could hear him letting out a frustrated sigh. Jace went after me into the kitchen, I could hear the crack of a chair being pulled out from the bar. I tried my best not to look at his angelic face. Jace might have annoyed the crap out of me, but I had to admit, damn that boy was sexy.

"So, how have you been Fray?" he asked in an awkward conversational tone. "Fuck off Herondale. You know for fact, that we have more than one class together." I hissed. "I know, but it takes a good conversation to get to know someone." he said jokingly. I laughed, "Why would I want to have a conversation with you? The last conversation we had was when you asked if I could help you with your runes, which was when we were kids." Jace smiled. "It was a reasonable question, you're the best in drawing at the whole Institute." he said with a shrug. "Was that a compliment?" I asked with a sarcastic tone and rolled I my eyes. "It's the truth, but never mind." he said slightly annoyed.

I turned my eyes back on the coffee pot, not being in the mood of having a conversation with Jace Herondale. I pulled two mugs out of the cabinets and set one in front of Jace. I poured coffee into both our mugs and took place across him. "So..." he said awkwardly. "So..." I repeated. "About last night," he cleared his throat, "what exactly happened?" I sighed. "To make a long story short, we slept together." I said, shrugging nonchalantly. Jace chocked on his coffee, and set his mug down. "Did we?" he asked quietly. "No. Actually, we just stayed up late and watched a bunch of movies, did eachothers make up, talked about boys..." I answered sarcastically. "Of course, we slept together. You idiot." He shrugged. "I'm not an idiot. I'm just surprised little Clary Fray would so something like that with a bad guy." he joked, trying to play his reaction off. "Ugh!" I snapped. Jace laughed, he opened his mouth, probably to say something stupid, but was cut off by another voice.

"You would not believe the night I h-" Isabelle started as she walked in to the kitchen. "By the Angel! What is Jace doing here?" I bit inside of my cheek and turned away. This was going to be hard to explain. "Clary. What. The. Fuck. What is my brother doing here in our apartment wearing nothing but boxers and a t-shirt?" Isabelle yelled at me. "And better yet, why the fuck are you only in a slutty tank top and underwear?" I bit on my lower lip. "Iz, it's not what it lo-" Jace started, but Isabelle cut him off. "God Jace, we all know what happened here. We're not idiots!" Isabelle yelled at him. "I'm sorry Izzy. I wasn't planning on this to happen either." I said apologetically. She glared at me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hey Iz, do you know wh-" a tall man with curly brown hair and glasses walked in and was stopped short, "Oh, I uh, didn't know that you guys were here." I looked at him, surprised. "Uh," he cleared his throat, "I'm Simon Lewis." There was a short silence. "I should probably go." he said. Isabelle nodded, "Okay. I'll talk to you later?" she asked sweetly. "Sure I'll call you." he said and he pressed a kiss on her cheek. I watched as he closed the door behind him, feeling angrier with each step he took. When he was finally gone I turned my attention back to Isabelle, "And you yelled at me for sleeping with Jace, while you are sleeping with a geeky guy. Who is a mundane?!" I yelled. "At least, that mundane, wasn't my brother!" she retorted. "Why would you have your brother in your bed?" She let out a frustration scream, "By the Angel Clary! You know that's not what I meant." she yelled before stomping to her own room and slamming the door.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I almost had forgotten Jace was here until I heard him laugh. "What's so funny Herondale?" I growled. "Nothing. It's just funny the way the two of you fight." he said, still laughing. "How the hell is that funny?" I snapped. "It just is." he said nonchalantly. I took a deep breath and looked up, "You think everything is funny, don't you?" He shrugged, "Pretty much." I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. The last thing I needed were Jace' smartass comebacks. "How come we never hooked up before?" he asked of all sudden. "Because you say things like 'hook up' only douche bags say that sort of things." I explained. "Huh? I've never heard a girl call me a douche before." he said. I started laughing, "Not to your face." He laughed back, and shook his head, "I should probably get going." I nodded, "Yeah. I should probably go apologize to Izzy again." I said with a sigh. He have me a small smile and went to my room to get dressed. He came back a few minutes later and we said our awkward good-byes. As soon as the door closed behind him I walked to Isabelle's room and opened the door quietly.

"Iz, can we talk?" I asked quietly. "What do you want?" she snapped. I rolled my eyes, "I just want to apologize for at you earlier, and for scaring Simon off. It was probably weird for you to see that." She laughed, "Weird doesn't even begin to explain it." I laughed, "Yeah, I guess so..." She stopped laughing. "Just promise me one thing. If you fall for my brother, don't keep it from me." I laughed again, and when I noticed she had stopped laughing I stopped too. "Wait, you're not being serious, right?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded, "My brother has had a thing for you since forever." I could feel my eyes widen at her words. Forever. I shook my head, not wanting to hear a word that she said. I could not fall for Jace and that was final.

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