Chapter 1

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I thought Carson's friends are supposed to be like him.

Nice people.

This guy is way beyond the opposite.

His attitude stinks.

Maybe he's just tired..

"Um..!" I said, trying to get his attention.

He turned to me then glared at me.

"What?!" He asked.

"Um.. your room is on the second floor.. third room. There are only three rooms so the one on the far left is yours.. that's where Carson used to stay.."

He smirked at me and asked,

"Am I sleeping with you?"

"What?? No!!" I shouted.

"Oh. Carson and you sleep in different rooms?"

"Err.. yeah.."

"Weird. I thought two dating people alone in this house would want to sleep in one room and do those things.." Darren chuckled, his lips forming a devious smirk.

"Well.. we don't. We.. share rooms sometimes though.." I said, pretty much embarrassed.

His eyebrows furrowed and he doesn't look happy.

He turned away and concentrated on watching television instead.

"I'll.. be going up.. Tell me if you need anything.." I said softly.

Before I could even take one step, he already interrupted me in saying,

"I need something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm hungry."

"Okay, what would you like to eat?"


I went inside the kitchen and decided to make something simple.

I don't know what he likes to eat so I settled on something everybody likes, or so most people would be okay with.

Chicken and rice.

I've been living by myself so it's obvious that I know how to cook.

I decided to settle with fried chicken and plain rice.

I was busy cooking and even if my eyes are all teary, and I wanted to sleep right now, I decided to make myself awake.

Carson is a good person, that's why I know his friends are too.

Maybe I just caught him in a bad mood.

Besides, I also understand it to be bothering for Darren, to stay with me..

He has a life too.

After cooking, I called him and laid the food on the dining table.

"Bring it here!" He shouted from the couch.

This guy is actually making me a slave for once but I decided not to fight back since he is Carson's friend.

I obediently brought it to him and laid it on the table infront of the couch where he is lying down on.


I jolted and turned to him, my eyes glaring at him.

"Did you just slap my ass?!" I angrily yelled.

"Err, yeah I did." He chuckled.

"I swear to God, when Carson comes back I will tell on you--"

"If you do, Carson's going to lose his one and only best friend. Don't you think it's better if you keep your mouth shut?" Darren snickered, standing up from the couch and caressing my cheek.

My Boyfriend's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now