( 02 || rainy days )

Start from the beginning

The redhead picked up an apple from the counter just as a knock at the door rang through the house. The girl raised her eyebrows, hurrying over and swinging open the door. There with a small smile on his face stood Stanley Uris, his curly hair standing out against the darkness of the day. 

"Hey Stan," Melody smiled, greeting her best friend as she stepped aside letting him come inside to the warmth of her house. 

"Mind if I hang around here for the day?" Stan asked, shrugging off his raincoat as the female closed the door behind him. 

"Yeah, of course, you don't even need to ask," the girl replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The boy smiled kicking off his shoes, as he held up a scrapbook. 

"Want to see the new birds I found yesterday?" He asked excitedly as Melody let a small laugh sweep through her lips. If there was one thing to know about Stanley Uris, was that he loved to go bird watching. Melody had often gone with him, she would draw in her sketchbook while he was bird watching. 

"Why yes of course," the female spoke as the kettle started ringing loudly throughout the rest of the house. "Have you heard anything from the rest of the guys?" She asked taking down two mugs and the cocoa mix. 

Stanley took a seat on one of the chairs at the Hopper's kitchen table, his scrapbook being laid out in front of him as the boy started flicking through pages of the book. "Richie and Eddie are hanging out at Richie's place. His parents left sometimes last night, you know what that's like." Stan answered as the female nodded. Richie's parents were almost never home, they didn't care about their son. Richie often stayed at his friend's houses or went and ate there. Melody had awoken many times before and saw Richie laid out on her bedroom floor with an old blanket and pillow.

"What about Bill?" Melody asked, pouring packs of cocoa into the mugs before carefully pouring the steaming water into the glasses.

"Sick, I called him earlier and he sounded as if he was dying," Stan chuckled as the female frowned bringing over the mugs. Melody laid one down in front of Stan before taking a seat at the table herself.

"I was with him yesterday, he seemed fine then." The female spoke wrapping her hands around the mug as Stan shrugged, taking his own mug in his own hands.

"I don't know, maybe it's a twenty-four-hour thing." He spoke as Melody nodded, biting her lip worried about the boy.

"I hope he get's better soon," she mumbled as Stanley nodded agreeing, the boy wasn't oblivious. He knew about his two best friends liking each other, in fact the whole group did. Stanley was surprised Richie didn't already make a joke about the two, considering he did for everything else. "Anyway, let's look at these birds yeah?" The girl grinned taking a small sip of her cocoa. Stanley nodded flicking through the pages as the two sat beside each other, letting warmth from their cocoa fill up their cold bodies.


MILES HOPPER HAD TWO jobs, one at the arcade that Richie Tozier was always in. The other at Derry's very own vinyl shop, in a way it was Miles very own favorite place to be. Darkness was overtaking the sky as the adult started getting ready for closing time. Soft tune of a song from one of the vinyl was floating through the small shop. 

The blonde boy was stacking away new packages of vinyl's, the rain still beating down on the glass doors. Miles had sworn he never saw it rain so hard as it was this day in Derry, it was casting the shadow of what was arriving in the town. A town that had already lost one of its loved members. 

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