2. The Closet reveal

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No one POV
"Tikki there's a masquerade party! I get to dress up and go to Alya's house with my mask on!" Marinette Dupain-Cheng squeals in excitement and her Kwami is unforgiving as she says,
"They will not know you are Ladybug, but what if Chat Noir is at the party? He can figure it out," Marinette thinks for a while.
"That's a possibility but I'd love to go anyways," So she disregards her Kwami's words and leaves to go to the party. With a cute dress and same hair. Her mask was the same shape as her Ladybug one, but in black.
"Hey girl! You look great!" Alya sees her best friend and runs to her in excitement.
"Hi Alya! This is an awesome party. I need to hang my coat...where's the coat closet?" She giggles mischievously and points poor Marinette in the direction of the coat closet.
"First door to the right," she tells the masked heroine in her civilian form.
Marinette shrugs off the strange behavior from Alya and proceeds to walk in.
"Oh cool..it's so big!" She yells to no one in particular.
"Mi'lady?" She turns around as she hears an all too familiar voice.
"Chat?!" She closes the door.
"No, no, no! How did you recognize me?" He points to her mask. She scans him. He is wearing a black suit with a green tie and his mask was the same shape as his Chat Noir one except it was red.
"I told ya, this was a bad idea kid," his Kwami peeks out.
"Oh, so you're also in your civillian form. If we go out there, Alya will know who both of us are, and our secrets won't be secrets because we know," Marinette puts her head on the door.
"Tikki...I need your help," the red Kwami flies outside and Adrien grabs her from the air to examine her.
"Unhand me, Chat Noir!" She flies out towards Marinette.
"Plagg.... What will we ever do with our oblivious holders?" Tikki shakes her head.
"I don't know....just be glad I didn't out Chat Noir any sooner," Plagg enjoys the piece of cheese.
"Ladybug, would it be bad if you revealed yourself to me?"
"I mean, you don't need to keep it a secret from me, you can trust me..like how I trust you!" Ladybug looks at the boy who is standing close to her now.
"That's why...I'm choosing to do this!" He tears off his mask and stands in front of the shocked girl.
"I'm so sorry...Adrien, I've pushed you away as Chat Noir thinking that...I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU ADRIEN! And then developed a small crush on Chat. It's so stupid! It's a love square! A stupid love square!!!" She takes off her mask and everything is understood. Lips collide and the door opens. The Kwamis hide as this happens and their chosens are caught by Chloe Burgious.
"Aha! I kne-what! I didn't know you had a crush on the baker's daughter! Hahahaha–" A punch from Marinette herself sends the wicked girl flying back into the food table.
"Daddy!" She runs away, crying.
"Oh...I'm so sorry Adrien! I didn't mean to punch her that hard," the girl sweetly chimes.
"I know, she was getting on my nerves too," the two young kids in love walk out hand in hand, and enjoy the party for the rest of the night. The end.

Miraculous ladybug reveal oneshots (Ladynoir/Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now