Chapter 2 "Fogotten Faces"

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--Tweeks POV---

"Honey! how about you go and help your father at the shop?, i can take care of it here!" i turn and smile "ok mum!" i turn on one foot and start walking with my music volume on high. I started looking around. There was a couple of new buildings however the town looked like it hadn't changed much. I notice loads of girls outside the café. They all actually seemed really with blond hair notices me. "TWEEK? OMG IS THAT YOU?" she starts running towards me with the group she was with behind her. Once I had a better look I could then see who it was. "bebe?" she throws herself onto me hugging me "I cant believe its you!" I smile and ruffle her hair. she was one of those girls that where actually nice to me and even sometimes let me sit next to her when I was having a rough day.... I guess that was a lot then. I didn't realise I was actually drawing a crowd. what was even weirder was that they was all girls.

"OMG! since when did you get sooooo fucking hot?" "look at his eyes! there so dreamy!" "I get dibs on him!" they were squalling as if I was some sort of celebrity "t-thanks".bebe turns around  grabbing what seemed to be Wendy? and asks the girls to leave them alone for a minute. they all seemed to groan and walk of looking at me. "sorry about that tweek" I was Wendy. I smile down at her and give her a hug "I don't mind I'm just glad to see you guys, its been ages and you  two look great. its different" she looks at me with a shocked look "IM different?, have you looked at yourself? since when don't you stutter and now you look fit?" I chuckle at how confuse she looked scanning me " well...I guess time has took a toll on me" she smiles "OMG the guys are going to be so shocked! especially tucker!" I tense at the name I don't know what she was implying but I had a pretty good idea. Bebe shushed Wendy giving her a nudge to try not make things unconfutable for me. Once Wendy realised what se said she started to looked panicked. I didn't mind though its like she even remembered since it was such a long time ago.  

looking worried she points to and looks at the café "come on! I'm gonna treat you!" she grabs my hand and drags me in. I look around and see that tweak bros has expanded? when did my father do this?. I get pushed onto a table where across from me I see Kenny smirking at me and what seemed to be a giddy butters jumping in his seat. "TWEEK!" butters leans across the table and gives you a tight hung "hey butters" you rub his back and after about a minute he lets go "I cant believe your back! Kenny would not stop talking abut you! I look at Kenny that seemed slightly embarrassed but was keeping his cool. " you look different, since when do you wear black?" I was wearing a dark green bottomed shirt with a black jacket and beany. I didn't realise how moody I looked. I guess I was probably expressing my feelings of coming back to Southpark from as morning. "what? out of all things to say to him you question his style?" he chuckles and wipes looked like a single tear. I just smirk back at him and laugh " at least I'm not wearing the same coat from elementary!" "hey! its a good coat! plus it brings out my eyes!" we all laugh. maybe being back was not that bad.

"tweek! my boy what to you think?" it was my father and was gesturing to the shop " it looks great dad! since when did you do this?" he looks around "probably a year ago, we wanted to surprise you!" he gestures to a stage what was now in place as he winks at me. I know what he is on about "t-that's g-great dad!" really I hated it. he knows I hate doing it in front of people. sadly I think he could see I was nervous him talking about it. "well its a good beginning spot for practice! and we need to make use to it" he smirks at me and turns back around to carry on working " what was he on about?" babe looked at me confused. everyone sort of nodding in agreement with her "n-nothing you need to worry about" I could see that Kenny was staring at me "he can tell us later but for now lets get a coffee!" I give a sigh of relief and mouth "thank you" to Kenny and he nods and smiles back. one we get our drinks we all turn to face bebe holding her cup into the air "he to tweek being back home!" I chuckle at how silly this was and we all shout "cheers" as we all laugh afterwards.

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