Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:


I did not know where I was going exactly but I just wanted to get away. As she thought this she could not help but feel bad because she had accused her best friends of lying to her. After knowing each other for so many years she knew they would not lie to one another. But she also couldn’t believe what was happening to her.

Yes, Tommy and her were not the greatest of couples, and she knew that she did not love him; in all the sense of the word. Never the less the feeling of being betrayed was there. She could always forgive him and stay with him, but then she wondered if this was the first time he had done this to her. What if this was not the first time he had? And what if people knew of it behind her back?

She would need to talk to him but not now. And she would expect all the truth not just what she wanted to hear, although she knew somehow it would hurt to hear.

As she was walking she didn’t see that she was heading to the park closest to her high school. When she realized where she was, she saw that it was empty apart from a few squirrels and some birds on the trees. As she spotted a swing set, she decided that’s where she wanted to be. She wanted to think of those happy times before this happened. Times where she did not feel betrayed and fooled by someone so close to her.

As she started to build her momentum within the swing, she could feel someone looking at her. You know that feeling you get when you know someone is looking at you but you decide not to look there way because it might be awkward, well that is what she was feeling right now.

Had someone followed her? If so who? Did they know that she just wanted to be left alone, for her to wallow in her own misery? But what if it was Leah or Jen, or both that came to check if she was alright? She did not know who but she didn’t care, she wanted to be left alone.

Without thinking she just said, “Leah, please leave me alone. And if it is Jen, the same goes to you. I love you both, but I want to be left alone.” She could sense that just one person was behind her. They were probably thinking of what to say.

What if it was some weird pervert that lurked in the park near her high school looking for his next victim? If so she was not going to be it, no matter what. But what she heard was something she did not expect. On the other hand, knowing they were there she could not help but feel a little relived, yet she did not know why.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”


Authors Note:

I know it is short! I know it has been a while, but so many things have happened although not an excuse, I know!

I will upload the rest by today, Maybe in a bit.

The idea just came to me and i had to write it down. Next part will be longer I promise.

Who do you think it is? Too obvious you say? Oh well lol

Recently edited hope you enjoyed it.

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