Chapter Two

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Ok well I have gotten a few readers so I though to continue the story. If any suggestions as to how you want the story to go don't be afraid to tell me.

Like the last time I thought of a song that could go along with it and I found: " I will do anything for you" by Foster the People. They are a great band. 

I was listening to the song as i was working on the chapter.

The picture on the right is Leo's eyes.

'Cause I'll be listening here to everything you say

I won't turn away

and I'll listen, open up my heart

and I must say that I love you

Ooooh la love, I've fallen in love

and it's better this time than ever before

Ooooh la love, I've fallen in love

and it's better this time than I've ever known

Anyway Enjoy!!



The next thing she knew he was walking towards her direction. She began to slightly panic because she knew he had seen her looking at him. "I know he noticed me, because I WAS staring at him; but it wasn’t him that I liked. It was his eyes. I mean I’m sure that he must be a really awesome guy but I mean come on! He is new here and I DON’T KNOW HIM! I may be a little over dramatic over this but I do not know how to explain it." 

As he was making his way towards the left side of the room where she was seated, she noticed that he was going to sit next to her. And that yes the only spot open was next to her, given her luck she would not expect anything less.

"WHY, OH WHY?Just my luck, today I was in a really good mood this morning, then I didn’t get to see  my two best friends before class and now I have a new guy in my English class. What’s NEXT? The last thing I would need is for my boyfriend Tommy to tell me he is going to stop going out with me. Ok yes that’s a bit too much but seriously. Today is just weird." She kept thinking she must have been cursed and that today was just some sick joke karma was playing on her. 

As he took his seat next to her, he didn’t say a word. She looked to her right side and saw that he had a worried face, which caused her to feel sorry for him. He was new, had no friends and here she was complaining about her day. "I bet his day will be worse than mine is." As she said this to herself she came up with a plan.

"I feel bad for him so I’m going to be a nice person and say hi. Maybe even become his first friend." But as she looked across the room she noticed that all the girls in her class had also came up with that plan. They were staring at him like he was a new shiny toy. Without thinking about it further she just went for it. "Being nice to someone wasn’t going to be that hard and it wouldn’t cause her any harm or anyone else for that matter", she told herself.

She leaned towards her right side and said, “Hey, I know your new here but trust me it’s not going to be too hard.” As she said this she didn’t notice that she sounded like a complete idiot. "Ok second try," she told herself.  “Sorry, I’m Michelle. If you need anything don’t be afraid to ask, ok?” When she finished her sentence she looked up.

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