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Stuck inside this pit of darkness

Nowhere to go and nowhere to hide

Sixteen years in this torture

Scars covered my wrists

Tears filled my eyes

My heart’s broken into millions of pieces

I’m trapped with no where to go.

I’m screaming inside, “Someone help me”

No one ever comes

No one ever cares

Mom’s always at work

Dad’s an alcoholic

The bruises are on the inside and out

I feel so small in this cruel place I call home

I’m trapped with nowhere to go.

School’s no better than home

Name after name I’ve been called

People judge me by my looks

They never know of the beatings at home

They don’t have a father like mine

I can’t cry in front of them or I look weak

But I am weak, useless, worthless, a mistake

That’s what they all say

I didn’t believe it at first, but now I do

If everyone says it, then it must be true. Right?

I’m trapped with nowhere to go.

I can’t take the pain anymore

No one sees the signs

And if they do, they don’t care

Who could love a broken girl?

I tried to stay strong but it’s hard

It’s hard to keep fighting with little hope

Why never give up when I’m unloved

Who would care if I was gone?

No one at all

I’m trapped with nowhere to go.

I finally have a way to end it all

The pain will end and I will get peace

I won’t be trapped anymore inside this depression

After I’m gone, they may feel sorrow

It won’t be because I’m gone

It will be because of guilt

The guilt of causing me to end my life

The guilt of making someone feel so worthless

There’s no goodbyes, just an ending.

I’m finally free, no longer trapped.

Hey everyone, I've decided to write more poetry so this will be a book with all my poems in it. Since I can't make a cover for each poem, i'll post a picture to the right that goes along with the poem, so make sure to check them out. I hope you enjoyed and please comment on what you thought and vote. Thanks!!!

Poem CollectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora