Annoying Accusations

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This will be my last update until Christmas, so I hope you enjoy it. Shout out to DawnRedHawk for encouraging me to actually update, so thanks to DawnRedHawk, I hope you enjoy it.

Sirius, having agreed that his house would serve as Headquarters for the 'reborn from its ashes' Order of the Phoenix, wasn't surprised to find people there when he got back from Gringotts. He expected redheads to pop up as soon as word of Harry arriving at Grimmauld Place would spread.

The living room fell silent as the cloaked figure appeared before them. He wouldn't be a Marauder if he didn't take advantage of such an opportunity.

"Give me...Harry...Potter..." he said, returning to his earlier persona, holding a demanding hand toward the small group present.

The Weasley boy paled and his bushy haired girlfriend moved closer to him, grasping his arm. Moony didn't lose a moment, whipping out his wand while Mrs. Weasley put a hand before her mouth in shock.

Sirius wanted, really wanted to, but couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He let out his barking laugh, doubling over. Remus rolled his eyes, walked up to him and pulled his hood back. Lord Black raised his hands in defense.

"What? He isn't here? Can I leave a message?" he said, still laughing.

"SIRIUS!" howled Mrs. Weasley. "This is not funny! In these troubled times..."

"In these troubled times," replied Sirius, "we have to take all the moments that are presented to us to have a good laugh. Pranks included! Take a lesson from your own children, Molly. It's good for the heart."

Molly frowned at him.

"I'll have you know that my boys outdid themselves last year! They must have laid the pranks aside for real work! You think about it!"

"I was at work myself, Molly! But Harry's my new boss. Believe me, I enjoyed my assignment! Speaking of Harry, he won't be coming home for a few days," Sirius told them casually.

"WHAT?" was the collective reply.

"How could you leave him alone now that You-Know-Who is back?" yelled Molly. "Are you that irresponsible?"

Sirius lost all pretense of a smile. He walked up to Molly. Up to her nose. He was a good head taller than her. She simply held her head up, looking at him defiantly.

"Out," began Sirius. "Get out of my home. I'll tell Harry your words exactly. If he still wishes to see you, he'll go to the Burrow, if your own protections are enough. You are no longer welcome here."

He stepped aside, showing her the way to the fireplace.

"You can't..." she began indignantly.

"I can! Leave before I call the Aurors! You're trespassing! Leave, and think of what you said, and what motivations you had saying it!"

"But...The Order...I...I'm just worried about Harry!" Molly stuttered, beginning to realize the magnitude of her misstep.

"No. You don't 'worry' about Harry. You think you know better than him. Better than me. You think we should all obey your orders, even under my own roof, because you raised seven children. I'm his godfather. I'd throw myself in front of a killing curse for him. Did you ask where he was before calling me irresponsible?"

" Where is he?" she asked, her lips shaking.

"Safe. Now go."

Molly walked toward the fireplace, head low.


"No, Remus. Not this time. It lasted long enough. It's not the first time. But it was the last."

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