Summer + School

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Hey guys I only updated today, because WE GOT 1,000 VIEWS, Thanks to all of you. I really appreciate all the coments, votes, and views you guys give me. It's so cool to see people actually enjoying what I'm writing. Thanks again!!! Enjoy the chapter. Also, anything that is recognizable belongs to JK Rowling.

Harry's first week was as he imagined: busy. He left the high window of the garage open, easing the owls' passage. He sent some of his own to Sirius, to the Ministry, to Ron and Hermione, as well as to the Goblins. The episode with the centaurs showed him he wouldn't always be able to use his wand. He was no warrior. He'd won against Bane because the centaur had underestimated him, and because he made a shield designed to defeat him. He was untrained. He'd need an awesome weapon to compensate. That must be the hidden motive behind the 'kindness' of the Goblins, and their offer of metal samples. He would need to design something. The problem was: he lacked the intellectual stimulation he had at Hogwarts. That school was like a medieval castle, with suit of armor at each turn. He was back at the cleanest place on Earth, where knives are kept dull so you don't cut yourself. Okay, that was a bit much but it wasn't far off.

He needed inspiration. Brainstorming sessions with Luna were where he got some of his craziest and most effective ideas. The Second Task, with the Golden Egg, showed him that. He decided to write to her as well, asking her if she wanted to come now and then to work on a 'summer project'.

Meanwhile, the Dursleys were ignoring his very existence when he was anywhere in the house. Around the house, they were quick to compliment his gardening work and then to go about their business.

Two days after he sent the letter to Luna, the doorbell rang during breakfast. Harry had just finished serving everyone's food so he went to the door. The sight beyond it made him smile instantly.

"Luna! It's so good to see you! Come on in!"

Luna smiled brightly at him and stepped in, brushing at wrinkles on her cute, carrot patterned white summer dress.

"I hope I'm not too early, Harry. Your letter had me so exited that I simply came as soon as I could to learn about your new project and..."

She trailed off, looking a little to the side.

"Thank you," she resumed shyly. "Thanks for thinking of me as reliable and to ask me to come over your home during summer. It never happened before..." she finished, blushing.

Harry noticed just how good she really looked. Her long light blond hair...Her curves so gentle in that cute summer dress...STOP! He told himself. You're not supposed to ogle your partner!


Damn. Too late. Oh well. She would make an attractive sight in the dreary garage during their brainstorming sessions.

"Who is it, boy? A cookie seller or..." asked Vernon, curious about Harry not bringing the guest to them.

"Uncle Vernon, this is Luna Lovegood. One of my most brilliant classmates, probably in the top five of the school. She came over to help me with," Harry said, stepping to the side to show Luna properly. In the same motion, his wand mysteriously appeared in his hand opposite to Luna, hiding it from sight except for Vernon.

"How...nice...You should have warned us of her coming here before hand... my boy. We would have...welcomed her properly," the big man said, visibly straining, his eyes going from Luna to Harry's wand. And to the very hard glare in Harry's eyes.

"She came by as a surprise! It might happen again in the summer. I hope it doesn't bother you too much," Harry continued, sounding sincere. A feeling that, once again, didn't seem to reach his eyes.

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