Criminal Minds: Alexis Blake's Big Break

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"Freeze!!!! Put your hands where I can see them!!" I hear behind me as I do what he says. "Good. Now turn around keeping your hands where I can see them."

"Morgan, don't flip out please," I say as I turn around. "I did what I had to do. If I wouldn't have been here and calling you anonymously off pay phones you guys wouldn't be after the unsub."

"Girl your mom is going to kill you when she finds out you've been sneaking around out here like this," he explains as he puts his fun away.

"You're lucky I'm letting you go."

"Actually you're the lucky one. I stopped on purpose to not only tell you that but to save your life. Take about 5 steps closer and you would have died by falling through the trap they created," I say and then turn and jump landing on the ground after doing a couple of tricks to avoid hitting things on the way down. Once I'm on the ground I run back to the groups meeting spot and head over to headquarters.

When I got back to the hotel my mom was in the lobby talking to Garcia on the phone. I was able to sneak by and head up to Morgans room so we could talk. I was just about to knock on his door when he opens it, pulls me in and quickly shuts the door.

"How long have you been working on this case girl?" He asked when I settled on the bed and he settled in the rolly chair across from me.

"I've been here since 2 weeks before you guys got here. I was heading back from my friends funeral when I landed here and got a call from Garcia. She told me that the head haunch wanted me to go undercover for a couple of weeks here and get what I could before he sent you guys. When I found out that this guy was killing teens and young adults that he thought was reckless I had to say yes. None of you could pull this off and mom wouldn't say yes.

"You should have told us what was happening."

"I actually thought he was going to. He said he would so none of you were worried but first we had to pretend that I was still with my friend until you guys got here. I knew if anything would happen to me Garcia would know right away and call you guys in. Plus this guy you are after. Well I'm about to meet him. He wants teens that are reckless but are not too reckless or they will get out of control. That's why we are having a meeting tomorrow before I go in."

"Ok. Next time just text ok? I don't want to see you get hurt at all."

We continue to talk but start talking about our pasts. I found out about how his dad died and how his cousin was. He found out that I was an only child in a below poverty family until I was 10 and then my dad got promoted and started making extra cash. We talked, laughed, sang, danced, and had a great time. At about 10:30 I was out and my mom knocked on his door.

"She is out!! I thought with all the energy she had she would last till about midnight but then she proved me wrong," he told her as she walked in.

"Yeah. She does that a lot. Can you help bring her to my room please? My arms are tired from trying to fight that one teenage boy in the back. Dang has he got skills." She said as he picked me up and carried me to the room next door.

"Hey look I'm sorry for leaving you

down there. I saw someone go up to the roof. They must have jumped or something before I got there because I didn't see anything. For now just get some shut eye so we can kick some but tomorrow," he explains after he puts me under the covers of the bed.

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