"Gwenog, why don't you tell Ginny about your offer while you're both here, this argument can wait," he said, glaring at me.

"Ginny," Gwenog began, "the Holyhead Harpies would like you to come play for us. Astoria Greengrass went to Hogwarts with you, she was a year younger than you, and she said that you were an amazing Chaser, even if she was a Slytherin. She said she had secretly cheered for the Gryffindor team because of you. So, would you join the team?"

"Sure, but why were you here before?" I said before I could stop the question I was dying to ask.

"Because Harry is like a little brother to me, and he said he needed someone to talk to. He said he didn't want to bring Neville and Luna into his problem because they were your friends, or Ron and Hermione because they would surely tell you," she explained.

"Oh, well, I'd better be going, Dean and I have a date tonight," I lied, just so I could get out of this conversation. I looked at Harry and he looked away, but not before I saw a tear drop roll down his cheek. Ignoring it, I walked out of the hotel, apparating back to the burrow.

Dean was up and walking around, helping Mum with anything she needed. He saw me come in, and smiled.

"Hello, Love," he said.

"Hi. Dean, do you want to go out tonight? I just want to forget about a few things."

"Sure, let me get a coat and we can leave."

He went up to Ron's room, grabbed his jacket, and we apparated to a small muggle resturant just across the street from King's Cross Station. 

"Ginny," Dean said as he paid the check for dinner. "Earlier, while you were gone, I owled Professor McGonagall, the headmistress at Hogwarts, and she lowered the protective enchantments around the school so that we could apparate into the grounds and I could show you where you went to school. Do you want to go?"

"Yes, of course," I said, and we stood up and apparated to Hogwarts.

Dean took me on a tour around the school, but I wasn't really paying attention. I didn't hear anything he said, or see anything he showed me. My thoughts kept straying to Harry, and I had to keep mentally scolding myself.

Eventually, Dean led me around to the back of the school, where there was a big black lake. He had me close my eyes, and I could hear him pull something out of his pocket.

"You can open your eyes now," said Dean, and when I did, I saw him on the ground, on one knee, with a small black box held out in front of him, a ring cushioned inside.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley," he began. I grew angry at the name. Only Harry could call me that. "I love you. Would you marry me?"

"Yes," I answered quickly; I was smiling on the outside, but on the inside I was very upset.


After Ginny left, Gwenog excused herself, and I was left alone, only my thoughts keeping me company, but they were driving me insane. She was going on a date with Dean, and I couldn't be more heartbroken. I fell onto my knees, and let the tears escape my eyes. I was slowly dying inside, but I wasn't going to attempt suicide again.

This time, I was going to work my hardest to get her back. And I wasn't going to give up until she was mine again.

There was a soft tapping at the window, and I saw the owl-with-no-name staring at me. I let the owl in, and he flew to me, letting me untie the note from it's leg.

Harry, It read,

Lucius Malfoy has been spotted in Godrics Hollow. Go straight there, because some of the aurors and I are leaving after I send this.

I've got Finnigan, Malfoy, and Graves. Even Robards is coming on this one.


I stood and apparated to a park in Godrics Hollow, where I saw Ron and the other aurors standing in a circle.

"Alright," Robards called, "If you see Lucius Malfoy, stun him quickly. Everybody split up."

I was walking around, near the park, when I saw a mane of long, dirty blond hair running towards my house. I followed, but didn't stun him. I had an idea.

I chased him into my home, and stopped when I saw his wand pointed at me.

"Wait," I said. "I have a question." He lowered his wand.

"How can I cure Ginny's memory loss?"

"Oh, I don't know," he said, but I knew he was lying.

"What will it take for you to tell me?"

Lucius smirked. "Your death."


This is a rubbish chapter. I'm sorry, I'm just really mad at my parents, and I'm tired, and honestly I'm a little upset at how many votes and comments this story is getting. 





(Is that^^^^ Getting annoying)

Thanks loves,


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