The Sleep As Android Ghost

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A single mother posted on Reddit that she'd been using the "Sleep As Android" app to help her get a more restful . She'd turn on a feature that would start recording whenever it heard nighttime noises, wanting to see if she was talking in her sleep or if she had sleep apnea. But instead, she reported in her post, she'd heard something she could never have expected.

The only other person in her house had been her three-year-old son, but the App had turned on at 2:04 AM, picking up strange noises that sounded like someone was rustling through her things. She heard herself in the recording groggily asking, still asleep, "What are you doing?" And then she heard a man reply: "Nothing."

It wasn't her voice. It was a deep, distinctly male voice. She put up the recording and the data from the app, hoping someone would have an explanation, but nobody could give her any other than the obvious: Someone had been .

They hadn't taken anything, though. Nothing was stolen—they'd just rustled through and left.

She kept using the app, and though she never heard the voice again, it did pick up the strange rustling noise two more times. In the end, seeing no other choice, the woman and her son moved out. Only then did the rustling noises stop.

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