chapter two

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    Carmen Jo'Ana-loviela Homes


"Come on I'm outside" I tell Faith

"Okay I'm coming " she say hanging up .

Well let me introduce myself my name is Carmen Jo'Ana-loviela Homes I am 18 in the 12th grade I have African American and native American. I have two older brothers that's in the 12th grade and that's very overprotective because my mom and dad died in a car accident when I was 8 yrs old.

"It's about time Ashanti' " I tell Faith as she get into the car and put on her seat belt.

" My bad I couldn't find my phone "

" same excuse as always are you hungry "

" hecks yea"

"Okay well they have a McDonald by the school we can go there "

- At school

● Faith

"You really making me hot with that jacket on girl" Carmen say

"Well im perfectly fine with it on okay " i say closing my locker

" okay i think its time" she say standing n front of me .

" time? Time for what?" I say curious

" time to just give up and to go to some one girl listen here i know i should've been give you this but i didn't take this card you'll thank me later" she say handing me a card and walking off

" Youth support group for troubled teens " i say as i read the card

" troubled teens? Really?" I say in my head

●FlashBack (9years old)


I slowly climb out of my bed to see what was going on.

" why why why " i heard my dad voice booming through the walls

" what do you mean"why"?..we have a daughter we have to take care of and you sitting up here smoking your life away" i hear my mom say

" don't worry about me woman im good " i hear him get up and walk out the room so i quickly ran into my bed and shut my eyes.

Five minutes later i hear my door squeak open and immediately closed right after

" keep your voice down Micheal i domt need Faith to wake up " i hear my mom sweet soft voice.

" don't tell me what to do" he say Bang on the walls


I hear someone get slapped so i ran out my bed and saw my mom on the ground

" get back in your room this i grown folks business" my dad say pointing towards my door

" you hit mommy " i say crying

" Faith Ashanti' Jones if you don't do what i say in a about ten seconds im go get my belt " he say yelling at me

" mommy get up " i say ignoring my dad and shacking my mom awake waiting to see her greens eyes pop out

But they didn't

After momments later she opened her eyes and grabed me by my hand and held me down at the floor with her.

" I love you Faith " she say

" i love you to mommy"

●FlashBack Over

1 year later she died if stressing out to much and second hand smoking.

"Maybe i do need to go to this " i thought to myself quietly.


" have you thought about it yet?" Carmen say sitting down in the seat acroos from me.

"Yea i actually did. I think i would enjoy this get together " i say drinking my Gatorade.

" great just wait till my youth pastor hear that we have newbie " she say excited

" haha yea im excited to this will definitely get some stress off of me"

" you damn right girl" she say laughing


" im home " i say when as i walk into the house as if he cares

"No answer i guess no ones home " i say as i make my way to the fridge.

" no food you got to be kidding me " i say as slam the frige door close.

"Guess I'll walk to the store" i say as i walked out the door and put my earbuds in.

•Grocery store

"What do i want well what can i afford" i tell myself as i walk down the isle

I know i know i talk to myself alot it makes me feel better and that im not alone in this cold ass world.

As i walked down each isle i finnaly grabed myself a pack of hot pockets and made my way to the cash register.

" your total will be 4.34" the lady say as i handed her the last piece of money i had.

After i gather my bag up i went straight back home hoping my dad still isnt there.

•At home

"Just my luck " i say in my head as i seen my dad sitting down on the coach watching tv

" were have you been" he say lighting up a cigarette and smoking it

" i went brought pizza pockets" i say putting them down in the kitchen

" where you get the money" he say

" saved up" i say taking out two of the hot pockets and warming them up

" yea tuh okay saved up huh " he say laughing

" oh and when you done with that i want you to wash dishes okay are we clear".

" chrystal" i say taking my food out and going into my room.

"Gosh so aggy" i say as i took i out the card from Carmen

" Mondays-Saturday open from 2:00-6:00 hosted by youth  Pastor J. Earl" i say reading the card out loud.

This might really end up saving my life

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