Sister Sister Part 5

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    Theo and yours date went really really well. You actually have been on two more dates since then, but Theo has not asked you to be his girlfriend yet. The two of you are actually currently on your fourth date right now.

"You excited for the movie?" You ask

The two of you are at the movies to see this new action movie together and you couldn't wait.

"Yeah, I am. The trailer made it look so good." answers Theo as he reaches for your hand interlacing his fingers with yours which makes you smiles

The two of you sit together in the theatre, Theo's arm around your shoulders and your head rests on his chest.

Theo looks down at you smiling at how adorable you look as you are engrossed in the movie playing.

How did I get somebody as amazing and beautiful as her to go out with me? Thinks Theo as he admires you

As Theo drives you home, the two of you chat about the movie.

"This ending was the best part." You say as Theo pulls up your house

"Yeah, it definitely was." says Theo suddenly becoming nervous

"I had fun tonight." says Theo

"Me too." You say grinning

You lean over and presses a kiss to Theo's lips. Theo's hands instantly move to rest on your waist as yours rest on his chest.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" asks Theo as the two of you pull apart

"Of course, Raeken." You answer grinning

Theo smiles before he presses his lips to yours.

     Two weeks later, Theo and you are still together. You recently told your mom that the two of you are together. She wasn't happy at first but soon she learned to accept it. But she still gave Theo the normal I still kill you if you hurt her mother speech. Theo being scared of her took her very seriously though he would never dream of hurting you.

You head downstairs still floating on cloud 9 from last night when you are Theo hung out together. Theo ended up staying the night but left early this morning, scared Melissa would find him then have Argent kill him. You made it down stairs to surprisingly find Stiles Stilinski and your brother instead of your mother.

"What are you guys doing here?" You ask confused wondering why they are here instead of at college

"Why do you smell like Theo?" questions Scott looking at you confused

You blush a little at his question.

"You didn't answer my question." You say

"We both have a break. Now answer the question." says Stiles

"Woah, the FBI taught you interrogation tactics cool." You say as you quickly grab your back

"Well, I have to go. School and stuff see you later." You say as you rush towards the front door

"This discussion isn't over!" yells Stiles and Scott as you rush you out of the house

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