chapter one

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     Faith Ashanti' jones

"Okay I want you to walk in the store and get me 6 packs of cigarettes " My dad says giving me forty-dollars. 

"Okay " I say and I get out the car and into the store.

"Hey can I have 6 packs of your Malbro cigs " I say to the lady at the front desks.

"Sure that with be thirty-dollars and twenty nine cents " she say handing me the pack of cigs.

I handed her the money and waited till she give me my change back .

"Here you go come again " she says brightly

"Here you go dad " I say handing him his cancer sticks and his change .

I really don't condone my dad doing this I'm surprised he didn't learn his lesson when he had a heat stroke just by standing out side . It's gets me so heated every time I tell him something about it he tell me to "mind my business" or that "I'm just like my mom" which died when I was only 10 yrs.

"Thanks" he say opening up a pack and going to town stinking up the car and coughing his heart out .

-at home

As I walking into our home I went straight into my room and sat on my bed waiting for tommorow.

Five minutes pass and a hard knock came to my door and my dad busted threw the door.

"What happened to my grey goose huh" he say yelling picking up from my shirt

Did I forget to tell you that he drinks to.

" I didn't touch I swear " I say hesitant.

I swear he hit me so hard I fell unto the ground hard as ever .

"Don't touch my shit again you hear me na huh " he say pulling me by my hair and throwing me against the wall.

"Yes sir" I say

" he's drunk he will calm down later Faith okay" i tell myself calmly after.

I went into my restroom and saw my hair all over my face and brusies started form on my face .

"I need to go" I tell myself

After I walked out and put on some Nikey slides.

As I walked down the hall I heard my dad banging on walls and yelling . Typical father figure right ? *caught my sarcasm. 

As I walked out the house I started walking  towards the local public park I live in South park the most notorious side of South Carolina. Ratched women walking around boys with their pants below they knees and little babies walking in the street parents not paying any attention.

As I walked down the block I put my ear phones in and put the music on shuffle.

Suddenly I felt a little tap on my leg.

I turned around to a little kid .

"Excuse me ma'am but have to seen my mommie she's tall and she look like a woman " he says crying.

" oh my bad I'm so sorry to bother you come on Darrell " I'm guessing his mother told me

"It's okay ma'am " I say smiling and entering the park.

As I sat on the swing i thought about how my mom used to take me here . No worries just smiling and laughter .
Death death took her away from me and left with that man I don't want to call my dad .

As I looked around I saw at least one happy beautiful black family . That once was me jumping around . But it's not me any more I promise if I ever have a kid of my own I will treat him/ her so well they wouldn't live the life I'm living now .

As i was thinking my phone started to vibrate getting me out my thoughts I answered it knowing it was my dad calling me.

"Hello" I say scared

"Calm down girl it's me Carmen " she say laughing.

"Oh thank God thought you was my dad for a second there " I say

"Where are you"

" at the park "

"Okay I'm on the way sis stay right there " she say after hanging up the phone.

15 mins later i see her coming up to me hugging me tightly.

"Hey I haven't seen you sinc---"

"Yesterday " I say laughing

"Haha whatever hey whats that mark on your face " she say moving my hair out the way and touching my scar.

I winced in pain "ouch that hurt" I say pushing her hand out the way .

"Who did this to you " she say concern.

"No one I fell down the staris" I say

"Try again faith you don't even have stairs in your house " she say

" now answer me who did this "

" My dad he was drunk and he hit me "

"Drunk my ass you comming with me okay " she say pulling my arm towards her car .

"I cant okay I can't he will kill me if he finds out I'm way on the other end of town " I say  crying.

" Do it look like I care cause I don't  " she say opening her car door and getting in .

" I will call you when I make back you the house Carmen I love you okay" I say walking towards my house .

" Okay Ashanti' do what your heart tells you just know I'm coming to get you in the morning okay love you" she says driving off.

- at home

"Where was you at? do you know what time it is lil girl " My dad says coming towards me with a belt and baby oil.

"I was at the park" I say backing up

"At the park doing what being a lil hoe huh" he say pouring the baby oil all on the floor making me slip and fall on my arm hard .

He swung his belt back and hit my bare skin hard and kept going until I couldnt feel anything no more .

"Go in your room I don't wanna see yo face" he say

I walked into my room in pain it wasn't the pain from the brusies no it was the pain in my heart my heart hurt so bad I don't if I wanna be here.

(To be continued)

That's chapter one of UPSTATE❤

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