The First Glance

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It all started when he looked at me. I should've ended it right then and there. But I didn't, I looked back. I let him think he had some sort of chance with me. Let him think what he wants, I thought. I never wanted to be anybody's other half. Relationships were a waste of time. Boy was I wrong.


“Ariella! Get downstairs, NOW!"

I tossed and turned in my sleep. Please tell me this is a dream. My sister is not screaming my name right now. I don't have to go to school; I still have two more days of summer.

"Come on, you're going to make me late! Not even the cute, fashionably late. Just stupid, delinquent-looking late. Hurry up!"

I could hear her voice clearer now, it was getting louder. It was almost like she was right in the room with me. And that's when it hit me.

"OW!" I opened my eyes and saw a smiling brunette holding a huge pillow. "That's not funny, Gabrielle"

"Yeah it is. Get up. I'm not being late on the first day of my senior year because of my little sister"

"I'm not little. I'm sixteen"

"I don't care if your twenty one if you make me late, I'll make you walk to school for the rest of your life."

"FINE. I'm going" I walked out of bed and took over the bathroom. I got my hair done the day before, as a 'back to school' present from my mom so I just combed it out and left it down.

"This year will be different" I said to myself, looking at my reflection. I sighed. I applied a thin coat of brown eyeliner, to match my eyes and mascara to make my eyelashes pop. I wasn't a huge fan of makeup. My family always said I didn't need it and frankly, I believed them, even if I didn't get that many guys. I brushed my teeth and sprayed perfume into the air, letting it gracefully land on me. I already picked out my outfit the day before. I slipped on a white shirt with a cute design on the front. My jeans were so tight I could barely breathe, courtesy of my sister.

“Why fit into a size five, when you can squeeze into a size three?” I remember her saying. My chic sandals matched the outfit well. I liked how basic it was, so no one could judge me into a group of preps, jocks, or gothic cliques. I wanted to start the new school year as a new person. Technically, I was a new person, here anyways. This is our first year living in Dallas, Texas and I didn’t know what to expect. It was a cold Monday morning and as soon as I stepped outside I felt it.

“I thought Texas was supposed to be hot”

“It is compared to Minnesota. God, I’m so glad we moved from there”

“The people were…nice.”

“The people were weird. I didn’t find one decent guy over there” She said feigning sadness.

“…I did”

“No, Ariella, Dad doesn’t count” She said, scolding me like a little kid.

“Shut up!” I said laughing, I buckled my seat belt and got ready for the nerve-wrecking ride. My family always moved about every few years. If it wasn’t something that my mom didn’t like about the house, it was my dad’s job. One time, my mom even said there were demons in the house so we’d move. Well it worked, because Gabrielle and I couldn’t sleep alone after that. We were like eight.

“We’re here”

“It’s huge…Oh God, I think I’m going to throw up”

“Ew get away from me!” She said turning me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2012 ⏰

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