Chapter 4

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Ryder's P. O. V.

I could only watch as I saw my mate fight for knowledge of what she is.

I only hope she will be able to accept and love me before her wolf mate finds her.

I have heard the bond of wolves is one that cannot be broken. Especially when they mark one another. If one dies, the other will most likely die to, and if they don't they sink into a deep depression that is hard to come out of. Many commit suicide.

The bond is different for vampires, although it is also similar. Vampire will spend hundreds of years waiting for their beloved. And when they're beloved dies, sure the vampire will be upset but they'll eventually move on and mark another. Or in rare cases their beloved Is reborn.

It has taken me centuries to find my beloved and I do not plan to lose her to the mutt she has yet to find. She is, and only ever will be, mine.

If I find out she finds the mutt I will kill him without a moments hesitation. After all first come first serve, correct? It must be fated that I had found her first.

I admit when I realized she was a hybrid I was shocked. I have only ever read about them, never actually met one.

From what I have heard they are the strongest creatures alive, they get the best genes of wolves and vampires.

A long time ago, before even I was created, hybrids roamed the earth. They basically lived like royalty. Everyone bowed down for them and in turn they lived.

The hybrids that had once existed were power hungry and cruel. Even to their mates and beloveds. Few treated their loves like equals. Most scoffed at the ground they walked on.

When the wolves and vampires could not take it any longer they all came together and slayed all the hybrids. Or so they thought. Because here in front of me sits one

I watched as she slowly brought her hand to her eyes. She was trying to shield her eyes from me. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Why?!" She screamed.

"WHY. Me?!"

Her arms were lined with scars. I didn't know how they got there and I hoped that they were there from battles and not from herself.

"Where?..... Where did these come from?" I barely recognize the whisper in my voice as I grab her arm.

Right now was not one of the times I was thankful for the mate bond. I didn't want to see the images flashing in her mind when I asked.

They were of her, in her restroom, with tears in her eyes and a razor in her hand. I saw her drag it across her wrist. Once for every name someone called her.







Anger filled me and all I wanted was to kill everyone who ever said anything bad about my beloved. I stood and began making my way toward the door.

But before I could reach it a hand grabbed my wrist.

"Don't leave me...." She whispered.

And I didn't. I bent and took her into my arms and hugged her as if my life depended on it. The warmth she was giving me was thawing my body and I was freezing hers.

I carried her to the bed and gently lay her down before climbing in beside her and pulling her to my chest.

I watched her as she cuddled against me and fell asleep. I watched her as she slept. And sometime during the night I also fell asleep.

The more votes the faster ill upload new chapters woo xD

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