New Home Chapter 2

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Toriel layed her hand on your shoulder while leading you to a room with  a calm atmosphere,  you we're amazed on how calming everything was.  You broke out of your trance after you heard Toriels laughter across the room, she seemed to have noticed your excitement.  Wait, she's on the other side of the room?You really didn't notice anything while staring at the beauty huh.....

You walked over to the woman in purple and saw her standing next to some tiles that we're placed in a order on the floor. What is this supposed to be....?-
"My child" Tories calm voice interrupted your thoughts and you looked at her eyes in a slightly nervous matter because you we're concentrating on other things while she was talking, you feel kind of rude now.  "The ruins have a lot of puzzles which you will have to go through, so let me guide you through some of them. " She lifted her long dress up on the side slightly so that she won't mess up the puzzle by tripping,  she stepped on the tiles in an order  and let her dress slowly down again.  You hear a loud sound of something made out of stone being shoved away,  you look at Toriel who was walking towards a opened entrance, so that's what she meant with puzzles......

"c'mon my dear. " she slightly waved for you to follow her as she grinned in a calm matter again.  How is she always so calm.... Now that you think of it, she's like a grandma that you never had, you start walking with toriel through a long corridor ,  she smells like pie, is always calm,  has a soothing and silent voice, always helps you when you need advice. 

»--------Skipping through the ruins------«

You feel your hands become heavier the more you thoudt of how toriel will
Be sad cus you left her, you can't decide if it was the right or wrong thing... You want to be positive and say it wasn't such a bad idea and that she's happy, but you want to have a reason to be sad too.... You never knew why you liked being sad. Probably because it gave you new ideas when you tried to write small poems.   You we're weird,   but you liked that about yourself.  
You sighed and started shoving the heavy door of the ruins open,  who designed this crap..... It's so damn heavy!!You started slamming your  body against the door and growled.  "OPEN ALREAD-"a loud thud was heard after you opened the door and fell into..... The snow..... Great.
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook the snow off your face while standing up.  You leaned a hand on the door and looked around.  Is this door in... A forest?that's underneath a mountain?wait... Why are you questioning that... You literally just met a goat-grandmah,  monsters and a evil flower.. Anyways, let's go back to the important part.  Where am I.
You closed your jacket by zipping it close and put your hood on,  it sure is cold.... For a underground forest.. Hm.

You started walking towards a small bridge that was some meters away from you and the door.
It was awfully quiet,  you didn't really like i-

The branch that you passed just broke.



You opened your eyes wide and ran,  plan "A" was to check on what it was but  plan B, running for your life, was a better idea.

You tried to cross the small bridge with panick but then you felt that you couldn't move.  You just stood frozen, and heard footsteps on the snow behind you.
Why can't you move, what is this...

"human... "
You slowly turn around, you can't run, but it's better to know who will kill you than to never know. right?haha I hate myself for trying to be funny while being close to death
"turn around.  And shake a poor sinners hand" (I changed the prologue a bit)

You shivered slightly at the thoudt of dying, but you couldn't help yourself.  Your hand is moving by itself-wait,  why is your hand surrounded by blue ligh-


Your scared face immediatly turned into a really. really annoyed one, did he just. Make you press your hand.  into a damn Woopie cushion?

"hehe, woopie cushion n'a hand trick.  A total classic" the skeleton lowered his glove covered hand into his pocket again.  He lifted his head to look at your eyes.He had a bright smile on his..... Skull which lead to one end  to another.  You we're much taller than normal people, so he's a total shortie to you. 
You started to notice that your hand wasn't blue anymore, is this some kind of weird magic again?Tori and the rest of the monsters had that stuff too so it wouldn't be surprising if he has the same.

"N'ways kid, the names sans.  Sans the skeleton"

Wow shit m8 what a surprising turn
"nice to meet cha', so.  As ya can see there's a path there,  right?"

Yes. There's a path, im not blind.  Thanks for the obvious. 
"so,  across that path is a small bridge that mah bro built.  Cool right?But it was supposed to stop any humans from tress-passing.  But it's too big, even for you"

You raised a brow and crossed your arms.  Is he insulting you with calling you tall?Or are you being over sensiti-

"So buddy, see that at the end of the forest?that's mah bro.  He's here to capture humans, but don't worry.  He ain't gonna hurt cha' even  if you're human, well.  As long as you continue acting like one "

You slightly glared at him and you opened your mouth to argue against his rude manners but he wasn't in front of yo-

"C'mon kid, let's go"
He's on the other side of the bridge,  How.  Did. He get there. 

He gestured for you to follow him in a lazy way, if he's so lazy then how did he get over there so fast.
  You lowered your head and passed the bridge.  As sans walked with his short legs, you had to walk with really.  Really.  Really small steps.
You liked being tall,  but when this lazy ass-skeleton is so slow, you regret any happiness you had from being tall.

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