dedication + author's note

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hi hi hiii, 

as mentioned in the synopsis, this story is dedicated to all my asian girls all over the world. we are stronger, smarter, and more beautiful than what our cultures tell us. we're gonna make positive impacts on this world, and it's gonna be incredible. 

just a fair warning before reading: this story deals with themes of race, culture, and old traditions. there will be times when difficult topics arise in the form of speech and/or description, so please be warned. if y'all turn this into an oppression olympics or hang off the back of the offended-for-no-reason bandwagon, i'm gonna be hella upset. ok thanks. 

halfway through planning this story, i came across this tedx talk from a woman in england who established a charity for women facing forced marriages and abuse. her story resonates quite well with the one i'm hoping to convey through mine (but does not necessarily reflect the situation of the main character, please keep this in mind). you can find it below. 

all we are is hopelessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant