The Tri-Cities Saga - My Sweet Prince

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Title is Temporary, I can't think of anything better at the moment. This is a book in The Tri-Cities Saga series. It is NOT a sequel, simply a story within the series that will focus on characters introduced in "Bittersweet".


Roisin and Cillian first met the night that he and his brothers attacked her and her sister. That night was a fateful one for not just Persephone, but Roisin as well. That night, she formed an obsession with the blonde brother, an obsession that was to last for decades. An eternity, even. Months after The Event, as she came to call it, upon discovering she was pregnant, Roisin stormed on to the Abel's territory, barging in to the Candle Bay Resort like a tempest. Her anger knew no bounds, unlike her sweet sister she wasn't one to sit back and just let life do with her as it would. Oh no, Roisin was the one to take the bull by the horns and show it who was boss. Namely, her.

Cillian never thought he'd see the Nightingale sisters again after that night. Good riddance, he'd thought at the time. Nevermind that ever since, he's felt as if something were missing. The beast within howled almost constantly, begging for something, yet Cillian couldn't give it to him - because he didn't know what it was that it wanted. The day Roisin blew in to the Resort, unleashing her rage upon he and his brothers, it seemed as if everything had suddenly clicked into place. Cillian didn't understand it, he couldn't figure out why it was that her very presence soothed and quieted the Beast within. He was relieved when she'd left, storming off just as she'd stormed in after dropping quite the bomb upon he and his younger brother. Relieved, until the howling and internal pacing started up all over again. He spent months trying to avoid her after that. She spent months stalking him, seeming to pop up wherever he went. Her scent haunted him even when she was gone, he couldn't get her face out of his mind nor could he forget the way she'd tasted and felt. Eventually, he caved and agreed to coffee.

Whoever knew that one date could turn into an affair as forbidden as it was destined? That one cup of coffee could turn into two decades of covert meetings and neverending longing?

This is Roisin and Cillian's tale. It's the story of their romance, the ups and downs of their relationship through the years.

Roisin Nightingale - Charlize Theron

Cillian Abel - Taylor Kitsch

So, what do y'all think? I most likely won't start any of the other Tri-Cities stories until I've gotten far enough along in Bittersweet to feel comfortable - but who knows! Maybe I'll need a break from Bittersweet and get a start on one of the others!

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