Chihiro hisses out in pain when she touches her cheek where Evan slapped her. "You alright?"  Elijah asks her.

"Don't worry about me okay," Chihiro says.


"Chihiro?" Haku's voice echoed through her head.

"Haku!" Chihiro mind links him.

"Did they hurt you?" Haku asks.

"No." Chihiro lies. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Chihiro I have to go." The mind link was gone leaving her with a headache.

"We have to get out of here," Elijah announces.

"I know," Chihiro walks to the door and tries to open it, to her luck it was. "It's... open."

Chihiro opens the door wider. "Come on let's go!" Chihiro yells happily. Elijah walks up too Chihiro follows her lead as she walks out.

Meanwhile Haku POV

Haku was tied up in a chair with Evan and Crystal glaring at him.

"Why are you doing this?" Haku asks as Evan palls out the knife that was in Hakus right arm causing him to hiss in pain.

Evan slaps Haku. "I get to ask questions around here, not you," Evan announces after slapping Haku.

Haku coughs. "Why are you with Chihiro!?" Evan screams at him.

"Why do you want to know? You don't care about her! You know why I'm with her!" Haku yells.

Chihiro was outside the cell with Elijah behind her. Haiku widen his eyes seeing Chihiro.
Chihiro taps Elijah's arm and says to come in between a gap, where they can hide. Elijah nods and tiptoes to the gap: Chihiro nods and walks behind Elijah, they both fit the gap.

"You know how special she is Boy?" Crystal announces.

"No, I do not. And do not care how special she is." Haku replies.

"You should," Evan says to him and walks out to upstairs. With Crystal following him.

Chihiro and Elijah walk out of the gap and into Haku's cell.

"Haku..." Chihiro whispers.

"This the guy you wouldn't leave behind?" Elijah asks, causing Chihiro to blush.

Chihiro nods. "Yep, that's him." After when she says that she walks up to Haku and undo the rope. "Your face... its red..." Chihiro starts.

"So is yours. Who did this to you?" Haku asks while touching Chihiro red face.

"No one-" Chihiro was cut off.

"It was Evan, he slapped her," Elijah answers truthfully for Chihiro.

"That bastard," Haku growls.

"Your turn, who gave you that?" Chihiro asks him pointing to Haku's mark.

"Evan. But: I'm fine," Haku reinsures her.

Chihiro puts on a worried face still. She has never seen Haku wound still there visible to the eye.

"Let's get out of here, yeah?" Elijah suggests. Chihiro and Haku nods and hurry's out with Elijah behind them.

"Do you know what happened to Granny and the others?" Chihiro asks.

"No, I do not. They haven't contacted me since then."

"I hope they are okay," Chihiro says to Haku.

"Me too." Haku nods agreeing with Chihiro. 

They exit the building the cold night breeze hit their skin, making them shiver at the new year wind. Theor breath could be seen in the air. 

"Come on let's go we are free," Elijah says with joy in his eyes happiness bounding around his eyes. 

Chihiro and Haku nod and they both transform into a dragon. Elijah stood there with a mouth in an 'o' shaped- shocked. He knew what they were he just never saw it done before. Haku looks at Elijah questions wondering why he hasn't changed into a dragon.

"I... I haven't fully transformed yet." Elijah says honestly. Haku mentions to Elijah to get on his back Elijah nods and slowly climbs on. Chihiro starts to fly off with Haku with no effort caught up and they flew side by side, glancing at each other now and then- smiling. Elijah soon falls asleep, and now on the way back home.

Author notes:

Hey guys sorry, i haven't updated in like a year. Forgive me?

I won't be updating or writing for a while as I have mocks in a couple of weeks I hope I do well *fingers cross*

Hope your all doing well x

Hope your all doing well x

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