Mike Wheeler: Scary Movie Night

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(Y/n) pulled her scarf a little tighter as she stepped out of her car. The October air easily chilling her and causing her to shudder. Her cheeks were already tinting red as she made her way to the front door of the Wheeler’s home.

(Y/n) (L/n) is a good friend of Nancy Wheeler. She’s only a year younger then her and was easily known as the sweetest girl in Hawkins. The two had met when she chose to take Chemistry unlike other people her age. The two hit it off almost immediately considering they both carried more about their grades then guys. Atleast that was true at the time…

Anyways the young girl was at the Wheeler residence for one reason. Earlier that week the two discussed a horror movie marathon. They both agreed on a day, so here (Y/n) was with a bag full of VHS tapes.

She nervously rapped on the door. The leaves on the trees rustling as another gust of wind picked up sending goosebumps across her skin. “Nancy!” She called out praying the girl wouldn’t take too long to open the door. She truly wished she had brought a jacket now that she was out an about.

Light shone across the yard as the front door swung open. (Y/n) could hear the drone of tbe television in the background and feel the warmth seeping out the door. “Look (Y/n)-”

(Y/n) darted into the house making Nancy roll her eyes at the young girl’s antics. She shut the door and turned around noticing that (Y/n) was shivering slightly. The young girl smiled sheepishly as she rubbed her arms to return some warmth. “Sorry Nancy… It was just really cold…”

Nancy smiled slightly leading (Y/n) to the couch. She shuddered slightly considering (Y/n)’s skin was ice cold. “It’s alright… But didn’t you get my message?”

(Y/n) plopped down on the couch nearly sighing at the warmth the couch provided. Her eyes scanning the room for a moment before realizing what Nancy asked. “Message?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she frowned slightly. “What message?”

Nancy laughed sitting beside (Y/n). “I called your house and told your mother we would probably have to change movie night. Mike brought his friends over so I have to babysit.”

As if on cue the sound of several feet came from the basement stairs. (Y/n) looked over just in time to see the group practically stumble out the basement door.

“Dude that was so awesome! Will I can’t believe you rolled a fourteen again!” Dustin.

“I can’t believe Mike tried to trick us again!” Lucas.

“He almost got us though!” Will.

“It was a great campaign though guys! We finished before we hit ten hours!” Mike.

Heat rose to (Y/n)’s cheeks as the dark haired boy smiled at his friends. They all vanished into the kitchen making the oldest Wheeler sigh.

“They just won’t go to bed… So we can’t watch any good scary movies…” (Y/n) chuckled slightly catching Nancy off guard.

“Don’t worry Nancy I brought a bunch of VHS tapes I’m sure we can find one that isn’t too scary,” She stated moving to the floor. She dumped the contents of her bag out and several tapes scattered across the floor.

The scuffle in the kitchen grew quiet as the two girls sat on the floor searching through the tapes. (Y/n) was to busy looking through each tape to notice the group of boys nervously peeking into the living room. Nancy noticed though and rolled her eyes slightly noticing Mike’s eyes on her friend.

The group quickly ducked back into the kitchen. Mike’s cheeks burning in embarrassment considering his sister saw. “What do you think they’re up to?”

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