4. Let's try it!

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*18+ content*

"I knew it. I already knew it. Why am I so pissed?" Ball after ball, went in as Alec practiced in the court muttering under his breath. His teammates looked at each other. The usually calm headed Alexander was looking furious, hitting ball after ball.

"Let's get to the tennis court next." The members on the team nodded and some of them followed him while the others sighed in relief.

"Do I like him? How much do I like him?" Alec finally sighed, deciding to put all his queries to rest. Alec always knew he was gay but he had never experienced anything like it for anyone. Or anything in general for that matter.

He closed his eyes and saw the image of Magnus, standing silently looking in a far away place. Magnus often gazed into space, lost in his thought like a portrait. Beautiful. Alec knew he was falling hard after crushing for ages.

He wanted to be with Magnus but at the same time, keep his cool. He gritted his teeth as the game started.

Magnus had just entered the science department room lost in his thoughts.

'I have always been a little different. Wouldn't be that big of a surprise!' he shrugged to himself.

"What are you shrugging about?" It was the vice president.

Magnus shrugged again. "I have news for you." Ragnor said.

"We broke up." He got the words out in a frenzy

"Who?" and the it hit him, "Oh! Why?"

"We were simply not into each other and she had always been more interested in you than me." Magnus felt as if his eyes would fall out his socket.

"We are still friends though. Nothing has really changed." Magnus nodded. All his friends, himself included took relationships quite rationally. Emotions were nothing but a mess. What he had with Alec, twice was more emotion than he had experienced in a long time. Nothing about what was going on was rational.

'Then why am I getting into this mess with Alec?' he questioned himself.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I am trying to figure out my sexuality." Magnus lied knowing Ragnor wouldn't take it seriously.


"Hetrosexual, homosexual or bisexual."

"Just get together with a girl and a guy. You will find out quicker that way." Magnus looked at Ragnor, like really looked but the small stubby kid had his head buried in his books, least interested in Magnus' life.

He wondered if Ragnor had ever felt flustered or excited or embaressed in a relationship. he tried, "You are a guy."

"Aha. But I am hetrosexual so, No!" a calm straight response.

Magnus' knew it all along and beside just the thought of getting together with his Ragnor made him scrunch his face. But then, what was it about Alec that made his heart flutter.

An image popped up in his head, teary eyes, red face and a lips pressed together. A shudder ran through him.

Magnus was headed to a secluded classroom on the top floor, students rarely used that floor of the school. He often came here to clear his head but Ragnor's girlfriend was already there, rather ex girlfriend. She looked up at him surprised.

"What are you doing here?"

"I know you come here often. I had hoped to catch you one of these days."

"You wait here daily?" Magnus felt surprised at her intensity towards himself. She just blushed. Magnus waited but he felt nothing. Suddenly, she looked up and kissed Magnus.

Her lips were soft. Magnus wondered if he may have liked it but he didn't. It was nice but it felt wrong to kiss someone when there was another on his mind. He pulled away from her.

"I am sorry but..." He trailed off. "It's okay." She nodded and rushed passed him.

Seeing, Magnus pass by, Alec had followed him without thinking. When he reached that class room and slid open the door, his eyes met something he hadn't expected.

A girl suddenly looked up and Magnus, no she, She kissed him. Magnus stood there for a moment. Alec felt his stomach drop but his feet wouldn't work. Suddenly Magnus pulled away, "I am sorry but..."

Magnus looked the other way looking... guiltily? Alec couldn't understand how could Magnus look so guilty. It wasn't like he kissed the girl. Magnus saw Alec standing there and his stomach dropped. What had Alec seen? Did he misunderstand?

"Alec..." Magnus had said but Alec held up a hand. Slowly Magnus moved towards Alec determined to explain to him, how he felt. He had finally figured that he liked Alec, that is all that mattered, not rationality and emotions, none of those mattered.


"You don't have to explain. It is not like..."

Alec turned around but Magnus caught his wrist and pulled him back. Alec stumbled inside the threshold, loosing his balance but Magnus caught him.

Alec heart skipped a beat and his back lined perfectly with Magnus. Did Magnus not like him because he was inexperienced?

"Did you follow me?" Magnus asked, his breath tickling Alec's neck. Alec stood straighter and turned around. He bunched his hands as he shuddered.

They stared at each other, studying the lines on each other's face, the beautiful eyes, the set of lips and so much more.

"Teach me." Alec said in a small voice that Magnus could have almost missed it. Magnus' eyes widened and his heart thudded. Questions rose in his mind, surrounded him. One that rang the loudest, Magnus couldn't ask. Did Alec not want something serious? Maybe Magnus was just an experiment to Alec, something new. Instead he asked,

"Why me?"

"I don't know."

Magnus wished for a different answer, perhaps that he wanted to take it slow or he was afraid but this was as good as saying' just because'. 

Alec was afraid that if he said he liked Magnus, he wouldn't be interested in a novice like him. What if Magnus laughed in his face. Alec had heard the stories surrounded Magnus. He was loyal but he was also a heart breaker. Alec was gasping by the straws, trying to keep Magnus to himself. 

"Let's try it. Shall we?" Maybe he could tell Alec how much he liked him, and maybe get an answer out of him. Maybe next time, when they see each other.

Magnus, took Alec's hand in his and laced their fingers together. Slowly, he leaned towards Alec and kissed him deeply. Alec instinctively placed a hand on Magnus' waist and they pulled apart.

This kiss was soft, like a whisper and soon, the bell rang and Alec rushed out hurriedly, one last look at that smile he so wanted for himself.

Love Finds A Way: Malec AUWhere stories live. Discover now