Chapter 6 - Jake Reynolds

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 I don’t think the saying ‘thank God it’s Friday’ has ever been more accurate. I can barely force myself up and out of bed when my alarm blares into my ear. The only thing keeping me going is the notion that after today, it’s the weekend. Though that’s probably not the greatest motivation being that I have to work this weekend. But it’s all I’ve got for now.

I arrive at school after an uneventful drive and walk into basic foods, first hour. I plop down in my chair and start to review for our test today on nutrition. I didn’t notice when she sat down but I glance to my left and see Kelly watching me. Probably didn’t take her own notes and is trying to study off mine quickly. But she’s got the strangest look on her face.

“You okay?” I ask, eying her. She snaps her head away like she hadn’t realized she’d been staring at me.

“Um, yeah…I-I’m fine. Are you…” Kelly stops herself. I think she was going to ask if I was okay. Since when has Kelly ever cared how I am? But even if she was going to finish her sentence, she doesn’t get the chance. The bell rings and Mrs. Camble starts handing out tests. I fly through mine easily and hand it in. I pull out a book and start reading. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kelly glance at me a few times. I would think she was trying to cheat off my test but I already handed mine in. At the end of class, I try to ask her what’s going on but she disappears before I get the chance. What’s up with her? I think to myself as I head to my next class.

            “Hey.” Will says when I’m walking to lunch.

            “Oh, hey.” I say. “Do you still have my notes from math?”

            “Oh yeah! I copied them down and everything and I meant to bring them today, but I forgot. Sorry about that.” He replies. We shuffle through the sea of bodies moving in all different directions as we try and reach the lunch line.

            “Oh ok. It’s fine. I don’t need them until that quiz, Tuesday.” I tell him. We finally reach the lunchroom and Will goes and sits down. His mom has made him a bag lunch since third grade and insists on keeping it up, even though it’s been nine years. I go and get in line to get my Sloppy Joe. Emphasis on the ‘sloppy’. Then, I head to our usual lunch table. The good thing about Will’s mom being paranoid about the school lunches is we’re always guaranteed our choice of tables because Will is always one of the first to sit down in the cafeteria. So once I make it through the lunch line, I sit down next to Will and start on my food.

            “Okay. So which side of a cheetah has the most spots?” Jeremy asks as he sits down. I have maybe one or two classes with him so we’re not great friends or anything but I’ve known him long enough to know he loves to tell really lame jokes. That’s like, his only conversation starter, or something.

            “The left side?” Rainey Montero asks.

            “No.” Jeremy says. He opens his mouth to give us the real answer when Sean, who I have AP Euro with, interrupts him.

“The right side!” Sean interjects.

“No!” Jeremy exclaims. Then he gets this huge grin. “The outside!” A few people chuckle, I even laugh a little. “Good one, right?”

“So, anyways, who here has first period with me?” Valerie asks. We have several classes together and she worked at this diner with me at one point.

“I do. Why?” Sean asks.

“I need the assignment from today. I was at a doctor’s appointment.” She says. “But why would my mom schedule a doctor’s appointment during school? She says it’s because it worked best for her schedule now that she’s not working from home anymore. But what about my schedule! I have drama club and the winter play! When will I have time to-“

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