“Nineteen years we were frozen, Cecilia.” He said quietly. “What has happened, Aimee?”

“I used to think you avoided me. You actually have a good excuse.” I sighed. “The other angels are winning the war. Countries are surrendering.”

“Good.” Cecilia tried to pull away. “Can you let me go now?”

“If you don’t attack me.”

“Depends on--”

“Cecilia,” Father snapped.

“Fine. I won’t.”

I let her arms drop down to her sides and she turned to face me. She was very beautiful, like all the other angels. Her round face was the canvas for deep blue eyes that glittered like the ocean, rose lips, and high cheekbones even a supermodel would envy. She scowled, eying me.

“How is your mother?”

I felt my face crumple instantly. “She’s dead.”

“What! What happened?” He went from being quiet to immediate rage.

“They set our house on fire when I was sixteen… She didn’t make it out.”

“Who?” He yelled and started pacing like a caged animal with his arms clasped behind his back. It reminded me of myself in a way.

“Humans in our neighborhood.”

“Have they been killed? Surely, you took revenge.”

“I never knew exactly who did it. I admit I wanted to kill them, when it first happened, but killing them all won’t bring her back.” I gave them the lie, ignoring the guilt that has haunted me ever since I killed those humans.

“Your so-called democracy should put them in prison, at the very least.” He spit.

“My democracy wants me dead. Why would they care who killed my mother?”


“My relations to you, or maybe the long list of crimes I’ve recently committed. For example, the five dead guards above ground outside.”

Cecilia smirked. “Maybe she can keep up with us.” She turned to Father and started speaking in Angellican. She didn’t know I knew it, and humans can’t even comprehend it. “Do you think this is your real daughter? She could be a human spy. It might not even be nineteen years later.”

“It’s her. I can see her mother in her.”

“You consorted with a human? How low can you possibly get?”

“You never met her mother. She should have been one of us. I will not discuss this with you right now.” He said finally.

“Do you trust the information she gave us?”

“Are you doubting the skills of our brothers and sisters?”

“No. I just don’t trust her at all.”

I was stunned by the ribbons of lights floating back and forth between the two of them. The tones flowed into my ears like honey. After I regained myself, I cleared my throat and spoke in their language. “I’m terribly sorry to interrupt your little discussion about me but I’m sure this place is going to be attacked soon. My work here is done. I’m leaving, so should you two.”

“Who taught you are language?”

“Cecilia, now you’re just ignoring facts. You know humans cannot learn our language. Won’t you accept her now?”

She frowned. “But how do you know it?”

“I have some of his memories; various skills of his, are also mine. Blame him if you wish.” I secured my backpack once again, and made sure I had all of my guns with me. “Au revoir!” I called as I took the stairs three at a time.

Once I got to ground level, I carefully peeked outside the only exit. I saw nothing.

People should know something is wrong here. This place should have been maximum security.

“What’s wrong?” Father’s voice asked.

I turned around to face him but he wasn’t there.

“Cecilia and I have left already. I’m speaking to your mind. Anyway, I sense that something troubles you. So, I’ll ask again; what’s wrong?”

“No one is out there. That I can see, at least.”

“That’s bad?”

“You should know the bad things that can possibly happen. This place should be crawling with humans by now.” I paused, surveying the cliff edge. “Where are they?”

“You do have a point. But I don’t believe going over various scenes in history that I’ve observed and telling you the result of those actions will help you very much.”

“Oh my God.”


“The bodies of the guards are gone. I shot them all in the head. They were dead; I’m sure of--”

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum