emotionless robot?

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*Thomas's POV*

I was going through Instagram when I saw something Anxiety posted about wanting death. Patton looked like he was about to cry and dissapeared. A wave of sadness anger and confusion hit me and I started crying. Roman looked like he wanted to go to Vergil but Logan told him to calm me down. I started sobbing while Roman tried to calm me down and vaguely heard Logan and Vergil fighting.

I reached out for my phone and Roman understood what I wanted. He picked up my phone and dialed Jon's number while calling Talyn with his.

*Patton's POV*

I was looking through Instagram at all the cute dog pictures when I saw a post from Vergil. I read it and immediately broke down crying. I quickly dissapeared to my room and hoped Logan would get here soon.

*Vergil's POV*

Oh sh*t they saw the post. Patton dissapeared. Thomas started sobbing, Logan came over to me and made Roman go comfort Thomas. I'm in trouble.

*Logan's POV*

I saw what Vergil posted and looked over to Patton. He started crying and dissapeared. I wanted to follow but I had to talk to Vergil. I told Roman to calm down Thomas who was now sobbing. Most likely overwhelmed by Roman and Patton's sadness.

I walked over to Vergil and he looked a little scared but rolled his eyes. "What?" He asked in a bored tone. I showed him the post. "What is the meaning of this? Did you see what this did to Patton and Thomas!" I said raising my voice slightly.

"They don't care! None of you do!" Vergil yells. "Yes we do Vergil! We've been over this!! We all care about you so much!" I say.

"Ya right! Like that's true!!" He yells. "IT IS VERGIL WE LOVE YOU!!" I yell. "No you don't!" He yells back.

"YES WE DO VERGIL, WE ALL LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU AND I BARELY EVEN KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!!" I yell. "Exactly how can you love me if you don't even know how?!" He yells. I'm vaguely aware of Roman letting Joan, Talyn and Jon in and them rushing to a still sobbing Thomas.

I think over what he just said. It feels as if my heart just broke in half. "FALSEHOOD!! I DO TO KNOW HOW TO LOVE!! I LOVE PATTON!!"

Vergil looks a little scared now. "Sure you 'love' Patton, and Roman and Thomas and maybe Joan, who else do you 'love'" he says sarcastically. It feels like I've been stabbed. Joan looks like they're ready to kill someone.

"I LOVE PATTON!!! I KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!!" I yell. I feel tears in my eyes and my vision is blurry​.

"Fine but you don't love me" he says. "YES I DO!!" I yell. "Ya sure" he says sarcastically. "I-I d-do V-Vergil" I start to cry. "Ya but you love Patton more" he says quietly.

"N-no I l-love you ju-just as m-much I just l-love him in a different way" I stutter. "Ok" vergil says quietly. "V-Vergil wh-what's going on" I asked. Stupid confusing emotions.

"Get to Patton. I'll help Thomas" vergil says. I nod and appear in Patton's room running to his side. He sees me crying and immediately pulls me into a hug. "What's wrong baby?" He asks. "I-I d-d-don't k-know what's going on" I stutter.

"Hey, breath, it's ok, tell me what's wrong" he says. "Vergil said I don't k-know wh-what l-love i-is a-and I-I don't know what to d-do. A-am I ju-just an emotionless r-robot?" I stutter.

Patton's eyes widen. "No, honey, you're not emotionless" he says hugging me tighter. "E-even the f-fanders think I'm ju-just an emotionless r-robot" I stutter remembering that I'm everyone's least favorite side.

"Breath honey,its not true they know you have emotions,its just hard for you to deal with them" Patton says running his hand through my hair. "I-I d-d-don't k-know wh-what to do? Wh-why do I-I f-feel like this? I-I d-d-don't unders-stand" I sob. "Shhh It's ok baby. Its okay to not understand, so much emotion is a lot for you to take in" he says.

"B-but I-Im c-crying" I stutter. "It's ok baby. It's ok to cry sometimes" he says. "I-I d-d-don't like f-feeling l-like th-this" I stutter. "I know baby, no one does" he says holding me tighter.

"P-please d-don't let go" I stutter cuddling into his arms. "I'd never let you go baby" he says kissing the top of my head. "I-I love you P-Patton" I stutter. "I love you too Logan" he whispers.

*Roman's POV; right after Logan left*

Vergil walks over with his head hung. I hug him tightly. "I-I'm sorry Thomas" he says starting to cry. "I-it's ok vergil. It's not your fault. You're the phisical (SP?) embodiment of anxiety." Thomas says. Jon hugs Thomas and looks sadly at Vergil. 'its ok' he mouths. Vergil smiles slightly. "You know we all love you right?" Talyn asks. Vergil nods slightly. "I love you vergil. So much" I tell him.

"I love you too Roman" he mumbles quietly. "Call us if you need us" I tell Thomas before dissapearing to my room with vergil. We lay down and cuddle together and fall asleep within minutes.

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