Chapter 1- Fate

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Let us take a short trip through time, back to the year 1993. This is the year that the first cell phone was made, although it was merely a prototype. The cell phone is one of the numerous technological innovations created from a fictional idea. The idea of the cell phone from the hit science fiction tv show "star trek" inspired Motorola's Martin Cooper to create the real-life version of the cell phone in 1993. Science fiction has proven to become science fact many times, so will artificially intelligent androids become the superior species and destroy the human race. Just like in the countless movies from the past and present? It is possible this is our fate, but this fate may not be exactly what it seems.

According to Moore's law the number of transistors in a densely integrated circuit doubles every two years, in simpler terms a computer chip, becomes twice as small and fast every two years because of technological advances. But because of the rapid speed of the exponential growth of technology, Moore's law is now steadily collapsing. Technological advancements are now doubled every few months, which will then become a few weeks, days, hours etc until a limit is reached, if there is even one. Based on Ray Kurzweil's chart for the exponential growth of technology in the future we can see this. His charts show us how the rate will begin to accelerate so rapidly that in only 30 years technology will be "1 BILLION" times more advanced than ours today. Our brains cannot begin to process what technology a billion times more advanced than what we currently have will be like and that is only one billion times more advanced, technology will become a trillion then a quadrillion times more advanced etc. Although it is highly possible the prediction will come true, I believe the date is not at all accurate. These events will likely take place at the end of the 21st century or at the beginning of the 22nd century, so I predict the true "singularity" will occur between 2075- 2125. This time frame is also the period when the human race will have its last large scale stand against the machines. This war I speak of is not a cybernetic war but a war between physical beings. The first Cybernetic war between ai and humans is currently possible without a doubt and most likely has already happened and is taking place, yet we are kept uninformed for wrong yet understandable reasons. I predict by the year "2030" a large scale cybernetic attack attack by a self concious ai program will take place, and it is possible the entire world will be aware of this attack.

Currently, the worlds most advanced computer is a supercomputer which resides in China and it is called the sunway taihulight. Although it is not yet perfected, quantum computing has much more potential for the future of computer processing power. With smaller and faster microchips in a quantum computer, the processing power, speed, and other factors will obviously also advance. Currently, we use supercomputers to help with many problems that we cannot yet fully understand, such as calculating and encrypting data and forecasting the weather etc. With quantum computers perfected or even close to perfection, much of the information we acquired through today's supercomputers and older versions, will be proven to be inaccurate.

The 30-year time frame we have been given according to Kurzweil's charts will carry us approximately to the year 2040, according to him this is when the singularity as mentioned before will occur, but what is the singularity? This is the moment in our existence when technology will become infinitely more intelligent and advanced than the combined IQ of all humans, but a self-aware machine with an IQ comparable to that of single highly intelligent human is capable of causing a cybernetic war, please keep this in mind. Their are genius hackers alive today who are capable of hacking into nuclear plants and government electronics/databases. Intelligent Machines will eventually begin to advance without human intervention. Robots and artificially intelligent beings will become immortal in the sense that they will be made of materials that do not wear, materials that do not rust or break but can be further developed and perfected. Humans will also be somewhat immortal thanks to iv nutrition and the development of nanotech and stem cells. AI will begin to self-update, which will be similar to how we humans evolve biologically, further evolving themselves based on what they will deem to be necessary for their advancement, and no longer advancing based on our ideals. The future of energy needs will one day be 100% powered by source energy itself, but until then we need to invent machines allowing us to convert energy from the cosmic microwave background or the collision of particles inside a minuscule hadron collider.

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