"Lauren." Rosie banged on the door noisily, hoping to gain the attention of the older woman.

The door to Lauren's boudoir swung open. Lauren stood on the other side, her mouth opens in shock as she looked Rosie up and down. "Back already?" she asked, smirking a little. Rosie rolled her eyes before stepping into her bedroom.

"I'm only here to come and see you. How are you?"

"I was alright until last night. I had Damion Barker come in, the real sweaty, atrocious one. He usually goes for Jennifer but for some reason, decided to switch up. God, I can still feel his hands on my skin." Lauren gagged before patting the duvet. "So, how are you and Tommy?"

Rosie sat down next to Lauren and tried to hide the smile that was on her face. She did not want to brag about the life that she was now living in elaborate hotels and the club that she partly owned because of Tommy's compassion. "It's good."

"Just good?"

"Really good. He understands everything and doesn't judge me for what I've been through. I told him about Manchester..." Rosie trailed off and shrugged her shoulders. Lauren was the only person who knew about Manchester and what had happened up there before Rosie had made Tommy aware of the problems she had faced. Lauren rubbed Rosie's shoulder to comfort her and waited patiently for Rosie to continue. "Tommy was dead nice about it and even brought up getting some tests done to find out if I could have children or not. It's something that we are going to consider in the future, not right now."

"So, Tommy Shelby does have feelings," Lauren jested. Rosie pushed her away before sniggering. "But seriously, why are you here? You swore that you would never return to this dammed place but here you are. I know it's not just to visit me either."

"Tommy has a club down in London and he has given me half of it. I stay down in London, coming back every other weekend, and run the club. I've come here because I want to offer you a job."

"A job?"

"Yes. You can be whatever you want to be, I promise. I've employed dancers to put on shows, there will be musicians playing and different events. You've done a lot for me in the last couple of years and I want to return the favour."

"What if you and Tommy don't work out and we both end up out of work?"

"Me and Tommy are going to work out, I can promise you that one. I'm giving you the chance to get out of this callous routine, please take the jump and return to London with me. Tommy is renting me and Arthur a house to stay in while we are down in London, so you can stop with us until you get on your feet. You have no family around here, so you've got nothing to stay for."

"This brothel is all I have ever known," she said, her voice soft and quiet. "I don't know how to adapt to new surroundings. I haven't moved or changed jobs in nearly fifteen years."

"This is your chance, Lauren. I am not returning to London until you come with me." Rosie was stubborn and refused to give up. She wanted to give her best friend the chance to have a decent and respectable life.

"And what about the boss?"

"Do you really give a shit about her?" Rosie raised one eyebrow and chuckled. "Me and Arthur leave for London in about a week. I will send someone over with more information about travelling arrangements and what we will be doing down in London. If you choose to come, then be at the Shelby house next Wednesday at three in the afternoon."

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