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Kol: Hi Stiles!

Stiles: Hey Koool! Hru man

Kol: Really?! And I'm good wbu

Stiles: Its funny ok and I'm goood

Kol: If you say so Stiles and cool. I was wondering did you ever come out to your friend?

Stiles: yeah I did and I don't think I should of though. I think it was the worst decision I have ever made.

Kol: why man? What happened when you told him?

Stiles: basically he started shouting at me saying how I am a disgrace to humankind and how being gay is 'wrong' and is a sin but he basically contradicted himself because on of our other friends is openly gay so yeah...

Kol: wow shit man. I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but you 'friend' sound like a dick tbh and also being gay is wrong and disgraceful because love is love and I don't care if you like men because I do as well, I'm bisexual btw.

Stiles: thanks man, you made me feel a lot better and really you are??

Kol: yes I am, why are you so surprised by that?

Stiles: I'm sorry it's just you seem really nice and genuine and I just didn't imagine and anyway I'm going to bed now as it's my last day of school tomorrow and I graduate then moving to New Orleans. Woohoo

Kol: that's ok and really? I live in New Orleans, this seems so surreal and congrats and night.

Stiles: really you live there? That's so cool, we may have to meet up at one point so you can give me a tour and thanks night.

Kol: yeah definitely have to meet you and I will give a tour and finally good night

Stiles: Night

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