Chapter Seven - The Serum (1)

Start from the beginning

The Hierarchy! It must've be them! I thought. But as I thought it out more, it didn't make any sense. Why would the Hierarchy use such a powerful serum on random soldiers? And if the Hierarchy's main objective was to use the serum, does that mean that they've known about the Horizon Project?

A ship flew overhead, bringing my attention to the window. Prometheus. This had all just been a test! Of us... and the serum. And with an agent so close to...

"Prometheus," I whispered. "They are going to attack Prometheus."

* * *

"Captain, do you really think that with all this security" – the Admiral motioned around – "that the Hierarchy would be able to know about this facility?"

"Do we have any idea of their technological capabilities, Admiral?" I snapped a bit too harshly, frustrated that this was taking so long.

She seemed taken aback by my anger. "Well... no, not exactly."

I nodded. "Then we should assume they know everything." I paused. "Although... we do know that they don't know the full capabilities of the Horizon Trainees, otherwise why would they be testing us?"

"Alright, Captain, I'll admit – you've definitely got my attention now," she said.

"First, turn off the cameras and microphones in here – he probably has access to the security systems," I suggested.

"Indeed, Captain, indeed," Admiral Jones agreed as she tapped a couple buttons on her desk. "Completely silent." She smiled.

"This... serum has been confirmed by the techies that it is in the blood of all the accused. The doctor I spoke with – he seemed to believe that it was a sort of rage serum. However, I believe that it also has the ability to wipe someone's memory briefly. As in the camera footage I saw, there is no reaction besides them grasping their stomach briefly. It also appears to have some way shape or form of remote control, as the accused didn't immediately attack the agent."

This caught the Admiral's attention. "And what does this all mean, Frederick?" she asked, pacing to the other side of the room.

I looked out at Prometheus. From here it seemed immortal and untouchable – it was hard to believe its fate lay in the hands of a few. "They're planning on releasing a gaseous form of this serum into Prometheus."

"And what can we do?" she asked.

"As of now, not much," I said. "However, I'd suggest sending a squad to scan for the substance."

"Agreed. I'll send a scanning squad right away."

She motioned for me to leave, but as I did, I warned her, "Make sure they don't actually try to capture him. He may release the chemical on us."

I walked down the empty halls – the first training session had already started. I made my way towards the gym, entering as quickly and quietly as I could. The track of death had already started – yippee – so I jumped in on the fun. The Sergeant already knew the reason for my absence. It looked like everyone was still having a great amount of fun without me – getting tripped and all. Although, I could tell we were all getting acquainted with our abilities, most were braver with how far that they were testing themselves.

"So you've decided to join us, eh?" Callia called from behind me.

I smiled back. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

To my surprise, Murus ran up from behind me, leaping over obstacles with us. "Welcome to the party, Cap."

For a minute, we all were gracefully dodging obstacles. At the next obstacle, I jumped up, digging in with my shield, Murus flat out cleared it, and Callia slid under it. I would block with my shield, Callia acted as a spotter, and Murus could run through some of the weaker obstacles. It was especially funny when we all got slammed in the head with a pole.

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