XV : The Missing Planet

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The next morning, I was jolted awake with a scream as I woke up in a heap of my own sweat and my pulse racing. Another practical sleepless night plagued me as dreams or visions of my mother haunted me. The dreams worried me because of how real they felt. It truly felt like what I was seeing was actually occurring to my mother, and the thought of that frightened me. The dreams were truly terrifying. She was in terrible pain and suffering and I hated seeing her in those conditions unable to do anything about it. Now, the fact that I knew Anakin also was being plagued by these dreams made it all the more horrifying.

The fact that R2-D2 was gone also made the dreams worse. The droid always provided a sense of comfort for me in the empty room and I truly trusted R2-D2. R2-D2 was always there for me and always accompanied me on my adventures, so now that the droid was gone it was a little weird. Besides, whenever I have my nightmares with R2-D2, sometimes he could ease my sleep with a few beeps and whistles that somehow helped me cope with the dreams. I couldn't really explain it, but now that he was gone it certainly made dealing with the nightmares worse.

Once my breathing returned to a state of normalcy, I was able to get out of bed and get ready for the day. Considering there was no way I was going to be able to fall back asleep, I might as well just go ahead and get ready. Obi-Wan and I were planning on leaving at sunrise to Kamino anyways considering it would be a long journey to get there and we were sort of in a race against the clock to try and find this bounty hunter as quick as we could for Padmé.

As soon as the sun started making its way over the city, I met up with Obi-Wan, as well as Master Windu, at the Jedi landing platform in the temple. A droid packed our bags while Obi-Wan and Master Windu discussed matters and I just followed along and listened attentively.

"It appears someone doesn't want us to know about this Kamino system," Obi-Wan explained to Master Windu since he was not with us during our discussion with Master Yoda yesterday afternoon.

"Which means there's something happening on that system that we should know about," Windu responded wisely with a raised eyebrow.

"Master," I then said respectfully as Master Windu turned to me with narrowed but surprisingly soft eyes. "Do you think a Jedi could have erased those files?"

"I hope not," he then replied with a sad sigh. "But this disturbance in the Force is making it hard to get a sense of things."

The landing platform holding our plane then started pulling out of the hanger and out overlooking the city so it would make it easier for us to take off. I couldn't help but shake slightly and make more of an effort to remain in the center of the platform considering how high up we were. I didn't really have that much of a problem with heights, but one fall from this height and you were surely dead. Once the landing platform finished pulling out, I then climbed into our small two-seater plane, one like the starfighter Anakin and I flew back on Naboo. It had already been decided that I would pilot the plane seeing as I was the pilot and Obi-Wan would sit in the back behind me.

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