Letting Go of What Used to Be (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

When the class ended Frank and Anderu walked out of Appleton Academia. Frank tried to say something to Anderu. But.. only sileceu came out. Wate how does silence come out.

"Um.. Anderu,"


"So, are we going the fair, well are you going to the fair, cuz im ,you know, definitely going, " Franku rambled.

"Of course"

"REALLY?! Anderu!" Frank's eyes sparkled liek sum anime character,

"yes... really"

"Are you gonna leik ask Akko out or something?" Frank exclaimed, "Thats Bold!"

"I.. um wasn't planning to," Anderu.. suddenly got just a bit embarassed.. But Andrew doesn't get embarassed, hes the clam and collected character. n,,

"MAh dood you should liek tots magoats do that,"

"uhh... ,"




"uggh how did we end up doing a 'nightfall' booth...o " Akko fell to the depths of despair, "This is lamer than mushrooms,"

"Agreed," Succ looked disappointed.

"Well neither of your idea's were approved so I decided to step in... I guess," Lotte mumbled, trying to be the responsible one."

"Okay then," Akko saide suddenly gettin' up, "Even if our idea is... absolutely horrible... Its still gonna be the very best!"

"Thats the spirit!" Lotte smiled but then she started vibrating for some reason,


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"oh, my crystal ball thingy" (not sure what that thing is)Lotte exclaimed.

      "Hey wat would ya know, its Frank, and ooh hey Anderu too," Lotte exclamed

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"Hey wat would ya know, its Frank, and ooh hey Anderu too," Lotte exclamed

"Anderu?" Akko asked..,

From the lacrima, wait not a lacrima, Frank sed "Heya lotte! and what would you know Akko and Sucy too!" He nudged the person behind him, and repeated, "Akko too,"

"What would you be calling for, Franku" Lotte asked

"Oh I just wanted to inform you that me and Anderu would be attending this school fastival of ya'lls,"

"why would you need to inform me that?"

"oh just so it would be impossible to back out,"

"what... do ya mean?"

"So Lotte what are you, and your friends doing for this fine festibal of yers?" Frank asked kindly

"Oh!" she said matter of factly, "I convinced them! were gonna do a Night FArru booth and ..."(She went on and talked, I'm not gonna write it out cuz no one was gonna read that anyway)

In the crystal ball thingy you could see Frank's face droop with despair "Ah, okay cool, so um.. yeah, We'll be there,"




Frank hung up. He sighed

"Okay then Anderu, now, there is no turning back," Frank saed triumphantly

"I wasn't planning on not going,"

"REally? oh.. okay, but liek are you gonna do an anime confession?" Frank inqured



"because it's not neccessary" Anderu replied

"of course it iis! you hafta do that to end the fanfiction!" Franku argued

"wait what?"

"Yeah, you hafta!"

"no what was that before"

"Anime conffession?"

"... well, I'm not doing that,"

"normal confession?"

"no, not that either,"

"Why?" Frank asked



"I'm not ready for that kind of thing, " Anderu sighed, "I'm not going to let go of what things used to be that easily,"




NOTE: There, I did it. I finished. I'm done. no more. I'll be honest, I don't like fan fictions that end in confessions and relationship becoming cannon that much. There doesn't need to be a happy ending. Besides this was more about Andrews resolve and not Akko's, so them getting together at the end wouldn't seem right for me.

Thank you for reading this! I love Little Witch Academia!

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