First Kiss

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Newt Scamander
You and Newt had snuck out of your common room late one night to go out to the Forbidden Forest and it was going great.  The two of you got out and into the forest to check on a certain Magical Creature and were all in the clear.  

However, as you were sneaking back up to the castle, a professor that was out on a walk had caught you both.  You had been given detention in the trophy room, you had to polish everything in there without magic.  The work was slow and long, driving you both insane.  There wasn't a sing noise in the room beside to sound of your rags sliding over the silvers and golds.  After hours of polishing, you were allowed to go back to your common rooms.  

Your arms felt heavy along with your feet, they slid against the floor at a slow pace.  Newt walked next to you, not a word between the two of you but he still walked next to you all the way to your common rooms entrance.  There was a silence between the two of you that was a little different than you've ever had.  

Newt stepped closer to you as he looked into your eyes.  You assumed he was going to give you a hug so you relax your body and let your arms loosely hang down on your side.  However, Newt's hand went you your cheek and his lips quickly pecked yours. 

 It was quite awkward but then you kissed him back.  He was shakey but so were you.  The exhaustion just allowed you to just let your guard down for him and he took his chance.  The simple kiss started a small make out session in the corridors until the painting on the walls began shouting at the two of you. 

Queenie Goldstein
Queene and you had gotten the day off and decided to spend the day together.  Queenie was a really good cook but she grew up as a witch and you grew up as a No-Maj so you were trying to teach her how to bake like a No-Maj.  

She complained a lot about how it took so long and was messy, it was cute but then began to get quite annoying.  As you had her stir the wet ingredients together, she complained one last time and you tossed a little collection of flower at her.  

The powder left a slight white residue on her nose and cheeks along with a shocked expression.  Quennie slammed the bowl down and picked up a bit of flower from the table and tossed it at you.  You returned fire with a larger amount of flower causing it to smoke up in the room and settle on the cabinets. 

 Queenie then grabbed a bit of the wet ingredient to hit you with, you saw a reached for her hand.  The sudden movement from you caused you both to tip over to the ground.  The laughter that you two were making filled the room, Queenie's laugh was one of your favorite sounds. 

 It always brightened up the room like a Patronus.  You stood up and helped her but on the way up, Queenie leaned a little too close to you and pecked your lips. Now you both knew it was not an accident but you just pretended.  It was sweet and quick, no reason to ruin a good thing. 

Percival Graves
The morning was already rough but when you sat down at your desk for the day, there was a note on your desk. It said to finish the pile of files underneath it and then go to Mr. Graves' office.

 You rolled your eyes and flipped open the first file, it was busy work for now but still needed to be done.  It was quick and within the hour, you finished but then remembered you had to go see Mr. Graves.  You take a deep breath, all the way in and out, before standing up and heading to his office.  

He was leaning his tall figure over his desk chair and looking down at a map of New York. "You asked to see me," you said with an annoyed sigh. Graves' head shot up and he gestured for you to sit in the chair across from his desk.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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