The true nature of earth and the possible future- Introduction

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The average passerby stumbles across a casino, with only 100 dollars in his pocket and some extra lint to spare, he decides he wants to bet on a roulette machine. He had a hard day today, Thursday, December 14th, 2017. Looking to make an extra buck, he enters the casino and observes the patrons of the casino win and lose money, on one of the roulette machines. He observes the machine keeps betting low from 1-19, it played between 1-19 three times in succession, and then it played a higher number. He assumes that the machine will do this again and it is inevitable that it will play between 1-19 again when he makes his bet, he dips into his pocket and takes out his last dollar.

He then inserts it into the machine, with a wide grin on his face he enters his money into the slot and plays the 1-19 mark, he is so excited that he cannot stop smiling. So much so that his yellow teeth can be seen from across the room. The ball spins and lands in the 00 socket and his smile disappeared as swift as a fox on the hunt, his mistake was that he did not know how a roulette machine actually works. A roulette machine is programmed to cash out rarely, otherwise, the casino will not profit from the machine. It is programmed to alternate after every bet, although it is statistically possible to land on one number or character numerous times. But to beat the mathematical programming of the machine and know when and what to play, you would have to be a mathematical genius.

what that man just experienced is a phenomenon called the law of averages, which states that an event or anything, in particular, is inevitable simply because it is statistically possible. That man had no prior knowledge of the machine or advanced mathematics, so for him to assume that it must play 1-19 again because it played on it before is an incorrect assumption. This is just one of the many misconceptions and errors that we humans make, a huge error caused by the sheeple mindset of our species. Is the fate of mankind as we know it bound by the law of averages? are we doomed to a fate caused by our own creations and mistakes? let us analyze this topic.

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