Chapter 1: The New Guy

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Hye Jin already knew it was morning as the bright sun shone in the sky, yet she was still in bed as she was still in La La Land (Dream Land).

All was well for her until the alarm clock disturbed her deep sleep.

"Ugh..... Shut up!". Hye Jin said as she slammed the alarm clock. As she got up from bed, she started her daily morning routine with a little bit of stretching.

"Yawn.... I can't believe the summer holiday is over, school is back in session again". Her inner voice said. She continued, "Well, at least I can see my friends".

An hour later...

As Hye Jin was walking down the streets, she saw her friend on the way to school. It was Mark!

"Mark-ya. Long time no see". She greeted him happily. "Noona! How was your holiday? I missed you so much!".

Mark was so happy to see her, he hugged her in an instant.

Hye Jin was not expecting a hug from him. "It was great, although I had to spend some time studying". She said as she pulled away from him.

"Oh right, you need to retake the exam?". He just realized.

"Yeah.... I need to ask for a favor". "Oh no, not again, noona". Mark said.

"Ya! What do you mean by that?". Hye Jin angrily said.

"Just messing with you. What is it?". Mark said while giggling, he would do anything for his friend.

"Could you tutor me before the exam?". Hye Jin said while clasping her hands together, looking like she was asking for forgiveness.

She continued on, "You're the best at biology". She kept on complimenting him until she stood on her knees.

"Please, please, please, please". "You're not gonna stop until I help you, are you?". Mark said. "Yup. Please, please, please". She was still on her knees until Mark decided to help her.

"Okay, I will do it. But, you are buying me lunch tomorrow, noona". "Deal!". Hye Jin said as the two shook hands.

"When do you want to do it?". "Today after class should be fine". She suggested. "What?! So soon?!". He said, raising his voice.

"Please.... My exam is in two days". She stood on her knees yet again, but now adding her puppy-like eyes as a bonus for the pleading to be a success.

"Alright, let's meet at the library after class". Mark then said. "Yay! Thank you so much, Mark-ya!". Hye Jin said as she jumped up and down, being like a little kid then hugged him tightly.

She was really thankful to him. Mark was her friend, they had known each other for a year now.

He was a popular figure in school and the friendliest person that she knew.

He was a goofy one and always wears a smile on his face, and that she could count on him to crack a joke.

The most important of all, he was a great friend back then as he was now, and was always there when she needed his help.

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