Part 23

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Someone pov

"All set?" Those guys just nodded
"Good..remember not to fail!" They nodded again
"So,you guys can go now..I will be meeting you at 6"
"Okay ma'am" They immediately leave me alone.
Wait for your fate Yuna.Cause your life is in my hand

Yuna pov

"Unnie..why do you always accompany me to every where I went?" I asked Yerin unnie who is walking beside me.Well,she's more like a bodyguard.
"For your safety" She said while still not looking at me.
"From who?"
"It's not important Yuna"
"Yahh! I need to know cause this is involved with my safety!"
"Don't will gain attention" She is acting like a spy plus bodyguard.
"Okay..but do you really have to accompany me to the toilet?!"
"Yes..every where you go Choi Yuna" Now she's calling my full name huh?
This feel not right.Bangtan and Gfriend are turning into my bodyguard..Jungkook is not talking to me anymore mom doesn't even let me out! What are all these things for? These really making me really..really uneasy!!

*skipped scene

"You're done?"
"Yeah.." Yerin unnie held my hand
"Let's go now" She started to walked but I didn't even moved even an inch
"What's wrong Yuna?"
"Unnie..why are you turning like this? Where's my weird and caring unnie? And why does everyone turning too?" She held my hand tightly and looked into my eyes
"I know that these kind of things really made you uneasy but trust me..these are all temporary."
"I don't want you to get hurt Yuna..The others and I just wanna keep you safe.We don't want to lose you again Yuna."
"But you all are acting too weird.It's kinda creep me out"
"Sorry Yuna..we just love you so much and don't wanna lose you again" Yerin unnie hug me
"But why does Jungkook being acting really cold these days.I feel like I don't know him anymore" Tears started to fall but I tried so hard to not let it slide
"He just wanna protect you Yuna..You know why? Cause he love you so much" Yerin unnie break the hug
"So don't worry about it okay?" Yerin unnie wink.I just giggled seeing her reaction.
She does make me feel better now
"Gomawo unnie" She just smiled

*skipped scene

School is over and Sinb is in charge to be my bodyguard now.Haih..what a life..
"Sinb ahh..gwenchana?"
" stomach is killing me" Sinb said while holding to her belly
"Mian unnie but could you stay here for a while? Don't go anywhere okay? I really need to use the toilet now" I just nodded and she rushed to the toilet.I just laugh seeing her reaction.

What should I do now? Should I wait for her? If I don't..I will ended up being scold so I should wait.
I let out my book to read when suddenly...

"Yahh! What are you doing?!!" I screamed cause I saw a guy came towards me with a knife
"Sinb ah! Help me!" That guy cupped my mouth with a napkin and that make me fainted.I don't know what happened after that

Sinb pov

"Sinb ah! Help me!" That's Yuna's unnie voice.Oh no!! Yuna unnie is in trouble!
I saw a man cupped unnie's mouth with a napkin and made her fainted.He immediately took her away with a white van
"Yahh! Let go of Yuna unnie!!" I shout but suddenly someone kicked me from back.
"Arghh.." I groaned in pain
I saw two guys entering the van with Yuna unnie on one of the kidnapper's shoulder and went off.
"Unnie!!" I shout but it is no use.That van already gone from my sight.
Yuna unnie..
I punched the ground many times and ended up injured so bad because of it.
I tried to stand but my I can't.I saw blood on my knees too.
Tears started to fall and I cried out loud..These are all my fault!!

Author note

Keep on reading to fine out what's happened to them 😊

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