[01: rememberance]

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It was almost the day.

The day I would finally get to see him again.

How long had it been? I counted the years in my head. Assuming my quick calculations were correct, it had been six years since the last time I saw him. Six years since I last spoke to him. It seemed like an eternity, but I forced myself to tolerate it.

That's what he would have wanted me to do, just wait for the right moment.

I sat in the kitchen, binging on videos of him and the guys. He looked so different, and yet, he didn't. Of course, he matured beautifully—the brightness in his smile remained the same as well as his caring personality; however, he had gained plenty of confidence based on the performances I had seen throughout the years. It didn't surprise me, but I did feel proud of him.

He had always had self-esteem issues even though I often told him not to worry, but that was years ago...

Now, he was one of the biggest idols in South Korea. Almost every girl in the country was swooning over him and the others.

Me? I've been reminiscing on old memories and imagining how things would be like if he was still with me. I didn't know what else to daydream about. The thoughts helped me cope with his absence. They are what kept me going up until this point. I had plans to lay this situation to rest after tomorrow.

The sky had become a somber gray, looming over us as we played outside at the park. Jimin had insisted that we stay just a few more minutes, enough time to show me what he had prepared.

"Just watch me, Y/N!" he pleaded.

I groaned, mostly because I wanted to go back home before the rain got us, but eventually, I gave into his begging. "Okay, okay. I'm watching."

He smiled and began his small dance routine in front of me, clearly trying his best.

Park Jimin: the boy from across the street. We had known each other ever since we were about three or four years old, and, according to our parents, had never been separated since then. I could easily say that he was my best friend, because it was true. We were always there for one another. There wasn't a day that went by when we didn't see each other.

It felt so... right.

But, somehow, something told me it would be coming to an end soon. I guess it was just the doubt that continued to plague my thoughts.

As Jimin finished his routine, he looked at me, eyes beaming. I could feel a light flutter in my heart, as well as my cheeks heating up a bit. I smiled and clapped.

"When is your next dance recital?" I asked.

He had been enrolled in a dance academy for awhile and there was a new recital underway. Apparently, it was a big performance for Jimin. A solo was given to him for his hard work, and he wanted to make his teacher proud.

"It's next week on Friday. You'll go and see me this time, won't you, Y/N?" he asked, making a small puppy face.

The last time he had a recital, I had to go to a family dinner out of town. I could tell that he was still holding a grudge about it, but I made certain that I would make it this time. I wouldn't let him down.

"Of course I will. I won't miss another one. You can count on me." I smiled, reassuring my words. He nodded and glanced up at the sky.

"We better get going. It's getting pretty ugly." Jimin held out his hand, offering me help off of the fence on which I sat on. I took it carefully and hopped onto my feet. With a light tint of red on my cheeks, we looked at each other, smiled, and headed home.

On the way there, he talked about how people from different companies would be going to the recital, looking for new talent. He sounded really excited and I was happy, but with every minute that he spoke, the realization that one day we would have to go our own ways began to sink in.

He had his dreams and I had mine.

I would have to lose Jimin someday.

After an hour, I turned off my tablet and set it aside. My mind drifted into creating scenarios about what could happen at the Wings concert.

I had the opportunity to go to a fan sign as well, but what if he recognized me? It would be so sudden, let alone awkward. I didn't want our reunion to be like that (if it would even be one). However, a concert would mean I there would be a lower chance of him seeing me... I shook my head. It was too late to turn back now.

I switched the lights off in the kitchen and headed to my room. Gaeul, my tabby cat, followed diligently in the hopes that I would give her something to eat. I loved her. She was a very social cat only when she wanted to be, just like me. We were a perfect match.

"There's food in your bowl, silly cat," I said, shaking my head.

"Just don't get mad and ruin the carpet again." I had been living in a nice apartment for the last two months, all thanks to my parents, but Gaeul often decided to make it her own personal toilet. However, there was one positive: at least the venue for the concert was only a few miles away. I could avoid traffic by walking instead.

Gaeul purred as she rubbed against my leg. She was very persistent. I kneeled down next to her and stroked her gently. "I wonder if Jimin would like you." I often pondered many things about Jimin, especially 'what if' questions. Who knows how much he had changed.

As I walked through the halls, the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the windows relaxed some of the late night nerves I had. I never knew how stressful this kind of situation could be. I guess that it was normal.

After I put my pajamas on, I crawled into bed and thought more about the next day. I felt ready but hesitant. What's the worse that could happen? I sighed and pulled the covers up higher. I closed my eyes, letting my doubt-filled thoughts pull me into a deep sleep.

"I can do this..." I thought to myself.


A/N: Hello, everyone! I don't know what to say haha but thank you for reading the first part of my fic! I really appreciate it! ^-^

After All This | pjm. ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant